(OT) The Invisible Folder


New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2005
Woodland Hills California
This is a pretty cool trick i have learned... Here is how to do it.

Step 1:
Click the file you want to dissapear and then click it again in the area where the name is written.

Step 2:
Hold Alt and quickly press 0160 then let go and click the desktop deselecting the icon.

Step 3:
Right Click/Properties

Step 4:
Customize/Change Icon

Step 5:
Scroll right until you see 3 empty spaces where icons should be.. Select one of the empty spaces and hit OK

Step 6:
Select Apply then Ok and Vuala! invisibility.

If you ever forget where you left it then just left click drag your selecting thing in the area you think it is and you should see a little blue box and there iis your invisible folder.

I just felt like sharin.. it is a pretty cool trick. :goggly:
hehe... not sure what i would use it for myself... my computer is my own and no one elses, so its not like i have to try to hide anything! But who know, maybe one day it'll come to good use!
lol, this is a variation on an old trick.

It used to be the case back in 95/98 that you couldn't open the folder up as it couldn't handle the special characters, and so you could only access the folder through dos. So you could hide the folder, and people couldn't access it unless they knew how.

Tubbs & Montu, what font are you using for the desktop icons? You could probably run charmap.exe and find a suitable blank character. Alt + 0160 isn't a foreign character, it's the code for a non breaking space. All fonts should have it.