OT: Video I took in Vegas with Guitarguru...

LOL. Sure that wasn't you with shorter hair up there cutting a rug? Where were you on the night of...?
Dude that guys was AWSOME !!!!

i stopped there with mike the next night and he was there AGAIN doing the same thing. This time to a Britney Spears song ... HA HA HA HA

Nice meetin ya bro, Mabe next time well do a titty bar ... ha ha ha
I just came back from a karaoke joint where my buddies wife got completely wack.

This video might make more sense if there was some type of reference or meaning to the cat who was not on stage??

where in vegas? when i hit vegas, I fucking beeline to Casino Royale and play 50 cent roulette til I am blue in the face, or until I lose 80 bucks....

then i play those wack ass cartoon tarzan slots.

vegas owns.
BTw.. it must be said.. my first join in vegas I was at mirage and put $400 on black.. and won.. that $800 propelled my 2 day stay into an atomosphere the likes of which ive not experienced since.

it started to get rad fast when i realized that drinks are free if you are playing.

Vegas > Anything.
EtherForBreakfast said:
where in vegas? when i hit vegas, I fucking beeline to Casino Royale and play 50 cent roulette til I am blue in the face, or until I lose 80 bucks....

then i play those wack ass cartoon tarzan slots.

vegas owns.

This place was Smokey Joes infrint of the Imperial Palace. Yea i know Casino Royale ... lol Hate that joint ...
Yah! Son...

IP is where I stayed!

guru.... i see you LIVE in vegas.. scary thought.


Is it a constant 24/7 thing where dudes are standing on the streets constantly flicking those advertisements cards? Walkin around, always in ya face flickin those cards/adverts, etc? tryin to get ya to go to clubs/buy hos/this and that?

Im not sure if I envy you for living there.... or if I phear for your life. =)

Regardless.... Imperial Palace rules........ and Casino Royale rules even more. =()
I think I've decided Im moving there. I managed to catch up with an uber hot babe who does some modelin in LA. Anytime shit like that falls into my lap, and there isnt any drummer competition... and its cheaper than NY... shiiiitttt..

Ether, you should move too. We'll rock that sumbitch.
Dudes that could be some serious shreddage .... lol

God knows vegas needs good metal bands, theres like 2 and they still suck ....

YES it is 24/7 with those cards, They arent for strip clubs anymore though, they are for "escorts" basically they are Collectors cards for the Local Ho's I got the whole collection of em sorted by casino and street ... ha ha ha ha ha....

Vegas is the Fkn shit dude, just stay out of the casinos and youll do fine, shitloads of work, only a few hours to L.A. ....

Just look out for the Cock Rockers, they are EVERYWHERE .... Fuck dude Y & T Played saturday to a packed house, Ronnie Keel openened, if that gives you and indecation of the scene. HA HA HA HA
Warrant played here a few nights ago... a friend of mine actually went.

I had a laugh.