Other Great Bands/CDs


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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We all love Saxon, that much is clear, but I have some suggestions for some other underrated bands that I really like:
Union - The Blue Room
Great White - Psycho City
Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black
Iced Earth - Something Wicked
Evenfall - Cumbersome
Eternal Tears of Sorrow
Chroming Rose
Rotting Christ
Angel Dust
Rawhead Rexx

What do you think?
Can't say I've heard of or anything by most of the bands you've mentioned.
I love Great White and Iced Earth, like bits of Kreator and ain't heard any of the others.
Is Union the band with John Corabi?

Current favs of mine are In Flames
Arch Enemy
Orange Goblin
to name a few.
The albums I have listened to recently are Fistful of Metal by Anthrax, Leprosy by Death and Eternal Nightmare by Vio-Lence. Incredible stuff, especially Anthrax! Check out Deathrider and I'm Eighteen if you don't believe me!
Going to see Soil as well

I wouldn't label them as nu-metal cos I despise the whole nu-metal tag, since it's thrown at any new band at the moment (even non-metal stuff)
I've been listening to Soilwork alot. Check out Natural Born Chaos and A Predator's Portrait. Alll their stuff is BRUTAL!!!




I have an album from a band called Foghat, it's a live album from the 70's, a good one! (Road Fever, Foolfor the City etc..)I think that a lot of saxon-fans will love it, they also made a cover of Just wanna make love to you, just like Saxon did on Forever Free! The music of that album is used in a film in with Rutger Hauer ( an Actor from the Netherlands) he plays the role of IRA-terrorist. I have forgotten the name of the movie, but maybe somebody else knows it????
I tried to enjoy the Union stuff, since I really like Kiss & John Corabi but the songs didn't grab me. Maybe I should give it another listen.
I dug out Grim Reaper the other night. That was fun.
Anyone ever listen to Twisted Sister "Live at Hammersmith"? Amazing live record from their hey-day.
I can't get enough Motorhead right now. "We Are Motorhead" and "Everything Louder..." keep finding my CD player.
I also like the new Riot CD, "Through The Storm."

Anyone out there have the Tank albums?
Lately I find myself enjoying atmospheric metal like Opeth however its nice to jam to the bands I grew up on like Saxon, Maiden, Priest (Sad Wings-Killing Machine), Dio, Rainbow, Heep, Purple and Sabbath.

After visiting Blackwater Park once to often this week it was quite refreshing to put on Heavy Metal Thunder (it arrived this morning). The bootleg cd sucks with a raher uninspired vocal performance by Biff but Disc 1 is fantastic!

For good old fashioned pure British metal you can't go wrong with either recent Saxon or the first 2 BLAZE cds (Silicon Messiah, Tenth Dimension).
Originally posted by jmillion
Anyone ever listen to Twisted Sister "Live at Hammersmith"? Amazing live record from their hey-day.

I can't get enough Motorhead right now. "We Are Motorhead" and "Everything Louder..." keep finding my CD player.

The Twisted Sister album is a cracker. I've got a bootleg from New York in 1982 and thats even better.

Motorhead always find there way into my CD player. In fact I'm off to see them tomorrow with Anthrax :headbang: