Other Half


Buffalo Bills /Mets/Rangers Fan
Jan 19, 2006
Long Island
So, Does your other half get into Progressive Music, or are you all alone with it like Me....My Wife Doesnt care for any of my Prog. Cds...( maybe on accation (Airbag)....:confused::goggly::erk:

Hey Ken, Does your Wife Listen to Prog....???
Except for 2 or 3 of Spock's Beard's poppier songs, my ex-girlfriend hated the stuff. Now I live alone so I can listen to whatever the hell I want! (Gotta look on the bright side :D )
My wife is basically tone deaf. She does not care for music in general. She likes movies so that keeps her at bay while I spend my time progging all over the place.

Donna DiGuiseppe West, my better half of 31 years,
does classical, new and old fleetwood mac[ future years, then play on, sunny side of heaven]
My wife pretty much cares little for Prog, but every once in a while something will interest her if it is acoustic based or has a classic rock feel. So about 95% on my collection is mine alone.:popcorn:
My wife will tell you likes music but never listens to any of it. Except that BS american idol. But she likes competition reality shows whereas I like some reality shows that are not competition. I like Pawn Stars and Deadliest catch while she likes any of them where they are trying to win. So I don't know if she actually likes the music or the competition. And I don't care, I just want it away from me.
My wife is all over the place with her musical taste...she likes mostly top 40 and the God awful digital keyboard 80's type stuff...she hates most of the stuff I listen to and usually comes down and slams the cellar door...she especially hates when I jamming on my guitar...A ride in her car to the beach is sheer torture...her and her radio switching stations and always skipping over tracks I like.
Looks like I'm lucky since my wife has no problem with anything prog as long as there is no growling....

Can't say the same for the kids but they are young...
My wife likes a lot of my prog cds, but would she play them on her own if I wasn't around? No! I bring her to RoSfest every year, but again she wouldn't go if she wasn't with me. If I were dead, other than some Kansas, Yes, Jethro Tull, Genesis, or Rush she would probably never play one of my prog cds. That brings up the question for you proggers that have vast cd collections, who would you want to inherit your collection if you were to die tomorrow? :D
My wife likes a lot of my prog cds, but would she play them on her own if I wasn't around? No! I bring her to RoSfest every year, but again she wouldn't go if she wasn't with me. If I were dead, other than some Kansas, Yes, Jethro Tull, Genesis, or Rush she would probably never play one of my prog cds. That brings up the question for you proggers that have vast cd collections, who would you want to inherit your collection if you were to die tomorrow? :D

A very good question! I imagine my son would take about 40% of my collection, my wife would probably keep about 5% and the remaining 55% would be sold off by my son.:wave:
My wife pretty much cares little for Prog, but every once in a while something will interest her if it is acoustic based or has a classic rock feel

Are my wife & yours sisters? :)

Yea, only some mellow songs; she hates all the "ruckus". Loves the Moody Blues, though. She is a big Dylan & Fleetwood Mac fan.