Well, first, Hi everyone, we are a band of /inserthereatleast5genresofmusic/ from Canarias.
We don´t want to describe our music to you, because we make music, and music is to be heard, so we leave to you the description of it.
As you will see (hear) we don´t have singer yet (Singers of Canarias, I summon you) so the songs aren´t complete, they are a few demos with the essential parts of the song, made with the intention of showing to the potentiall members were are we going.
So well, thanks for the attention and keep it metal!
We don´t want to describe our music to you, because we make music, and music is to be heard, so we leave to you the description of it.
As you will see (hear) we don´t have singer yet (Singers of Canarias, I summon you) so the songs aren´t complete, they are a few demos with the essential parts of the song, made with the intention of showing to the potentiall members were are we going.
So well, thanks for the attention and keep it metal!