Our first video is out


New Metal Member
Aug 4, 2003
Hi there.
I'm glad to inform you that our video of "Inflict" from the "Pristine in Bondage" album is finally on available on the net.
The video can be downloaded in 2 formats. The small one (8 meg) and a larger one with better quality (45meg) from www.amaran.net, Go to the video selection, rightklick and save target as.

I hope thet you'll like it :Spin:

Woot! Well, I have only completed 17 megs of the 44 meg file, but from the first minute and 45 seconds that I saw... wow.

Amaran, you have completely blown me away. I'm speechless. seriously.


Rock on.
Nico16 said:
hey, this is the best metal video I've ever seen. and one of the best videos in general. awesome.

I think the best music videos ever are those animated Tool-videos. Preferably "Sober" or "Prison Sex". I don´t know if these could be categorized as metal though, and don´t really care... hehe.
That was pretty fucking intense. Great job and great music on the vid guys. Cannot wait to get the new album, still playing AWD on my show as it gets alot of requests. stay metal \m/(><)\m/
