Our guitar tone so far, any input?


Mar 14, 2011
So our guitarist is currently in the process of demoing songs from our album we're recording this summer so that our singer can think of lyrics and melodies before he records. DONT RATE THE MIX - this is demo quality, and the guy who recorded isn't trying to go for a 'good mix'. Hell, the drums are Drumkit From Hell ... so it kinda sounds bad in that regard. Plus, there no bass!
Anyway, check out our tact is it stands now:

The guitars are LeCto with two God's Cab impulses loaded up. Also there are 'some low-mids EQed' out, I dont know to what extent, or what frequencies. When I do the album recordings, I'll definitely EQ the guitars more.
I think the rhythm tone is sounding pretty sweet, and will sound much better with new strings (which will be heavier than .10s with a C# standard tuned song!). The lead I don't think is quite there yet. I'd like to have a pretty sweet lead tone. The lead tone is the same one used for the rhythms as far as I'm aware.
Thanks for any suggestions :)
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