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When one takes an excerpt from a larger work, be it a poem, a song, a novel, a play or whatever, it is a QUOTE, regardless of whether one is the author of said work. It is quite possible to quote yourself.

In other news, Richard Simmons doing nude squat thrusts in a cucumber patch would be considerably less gay than "Fallhard."
LOL - do you think this thread will inspire some more angsty lyrics? Seriously, Fallhard need to go back to the drawing board. Your compositions are as insultingly simplistic as the lyrics, your vocals are bearable when growling but absolutely diabolical when you're attempted to sing melodically, your drummer is decent but has an annoying habit of throwing in superfluous bursts of double-bass where none is needed, and the guitar riffs sound like they come from a 15 year old's bedroom riff tapes, which incidentally is what the production is reminiscent of.

If you expected everyone in the forum to lick your balls because you've managed to get a band together and record a few sub-standard tunes, you're sadly deluded, and I'd wager that where gigs are concerned, you play the same few clubs in a five-mile radius repeatedly to an identical audience of sycophantic backslappers and hangers-on who tell you all how great you are while secretly laughing their heads off.

And yes, that is an honest review of your songs, and just because it's not positive doesn't mean it's not criticism. Thanks for your time, now move along, nothing to see here.
Wow. A review from a computer geek who's a self proclaimed alcoholic trying to learn to play guitar. Check the stats. we're gonna take that one to heart. Once again talk all the shit you want. No one in this band is loosing sleep. Also your website of reviews artwordk and guitar riffs is lacking just a bit, oh wait a minute it doesn't exist. SUPRISE! Maybe you should focus on your own lack of abilities.
Will do - in the meantime, why not attempt to acknowledge your own - after all, acceptance is the first step to recovery, as they say...

PS : The website does exist - dunno why you can't get on it - but if you should manage it eventually, I'll state outright that the riffs are both badly written and recorded - mainly 'cos they were placed there when I was still overly reliant on dropped-D tuning and didn't have any decent recording software or equipment. Luckily though, I didn't claim to be anything other than an amateur, and I'm not overly precious about what I'm doing. As for the reviews - you don't have to go far for those, they're all in the 'Reviews' section of this site - since I've been a staff writer here for over two years now...
Taken from Fallhard's page on cornerband.com:

"Their goal is to combine talent, intelligence and force of will to create unique songs that entertain, touch and enlighten."

Talent - singer's clean voice is simply a joke. Guitars play the same shitty riffs continuosly, despite a few bearable passages. Drummer - competent, little more.

Intelligence - :err: The lyrics would suggest otherwise.

Force - :lol: A pensioner's stroke would have more impact on me than this empty, lifeless droan.

Unique songs - hhmm....nice try, but you only reached mediocre angsty crap.

Entertain - maybe your local teenage fag fans. No one else.

Touch - :err:

Enlighten - yes, I'm now enloightened that the world is filled with even more poser metal for teenage sheep. Good achievement.

Nice band....pity you are shit.
High On Maiden said:
Taken from Fallhard's page on cornerband.com:

"Their goal is to combine talent, intelligence and force of will to create unique songs that entertain, touch and enlighten."

Talent - singer's clean voice is simply a joke. Guitars play the same shitty riffs continuosly, despite a few bearable passages. Drummer - competent, little more.

Intelligence - :err: The lyrics would suggest otherwise.

Force - :lol: A pensioner's stroke would have more impact on me than this empty, lifeless droan.

Unique songs - hhmm....nice try, but you only reached mediocre angsty crap.

Entertain - maybe your local teenage fag fans. No one else.

Touch - :err:

Enlighten - yes, I'm now enloightened that the world is filled with even more poser metal for teenage sheep. Good achievement.

Nice band....pity you are shit.
If it is a joke, its actually quite amusing. I mean, this guy clearly thinks his band is the shit, while its quite clear that his band isn't the shit, its just... shit.
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their website was made in Swift!

at least learn how to use Flash!

and i'm annoyed that i actually wasted bandwidth to listen to these worthless pile of human excrement u call "songs". Seriously, riffs should vary from time to time, the clean vocals should stop sounding so forced and the drummer should be more exciting.

edit: i read this in the long description of the band and LMAO:

"FallHard creates the type of music that can't be quantified. It's hard to explain, hard to put to words. Sometimes described as metal, hardcore, metalcore or hard rock FallHard has really created its own sub-genre of music. They infuse their songs with distinctive melodies, deep grooves, blistering riffs, thought provoking lyrics and a wide range of vocal and rhythmic talents"
Hello, I have come here to say that Fallhard is probably the worst band ever. My ballsac swings a heavier beat than your band could ever dream to dismally achieve. The clean singing sounds as though you are juggling two cocks between each cheek, while attempting to make the sound of a goose being punished fucked into a coma. Your riffs suck, your drummer blows, and finally, you as a person and not only a musician...SUCK. Thank for your time. You blow.
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