over 25 cds up for grabs

there is a competition on the Raw Nerve site at the moment, to win over 25 CD's of a metal variety,and lots more, with at least another 4 to be added to that list, so worth checking out .. (around 23 on that list plus more added soon)

have a look here -

no questions to ask, just a 3 part form to fill and thats it, automatically entered!! what have you got to lose?
cool, already a few from on here have entered, best of luck to you guys!! .. :) ..

thing to add, by the way, on the subject of junk mail and all that, there aint a need to worry, if i really wanted your mail address, then i could just probably get it (or at least a few thousands) from the ultimate metal members list!! .. but hey, i prefer to actually talk to people, i try not to mail out where i can help it, but something like this is for the good of you guys, if we get enough support (this is only our 2nd competition) .. we might be able to start running huge competitions , such as tickets to a festival or maybe 10 prizes rather than just one .. which would be great ..

thats the plan anyways, i would love to be able to give away lots to lots of people :) ..
I've entered...now pick me (at random of course ;)) *slips Paul £10 :D
heheh!!! i know, it would be amusing though ..
would definitely have to borrow someones video camera for that one!! .. the biggest orgy of violence ever seen!!! ..

all the CD's are in a glass box in the middle, with security beams around it!! and xxx amount of people all fighting, last one standing wins!!!

wow!! ..

mad as fuck!!

well, the full list is on that page, but basically they are from different genres of metal,, some hardcore stuff, metal, death metal, grind/noisecore type stuff,
already, since that list went up a couple of days ago, and i did my mail outs and a few posts on forums, 5 more bands have now said they are going to try and get CD's to me before the deadline, which aint for another 3 1/2 weeks yet!!!!!! .. so by the end we could actually have around 35 - 40 cds!!!!! .. which would be a right prize!!! ..

its good though, cos along with the CD's there are loads of stickers and plenty of flyers, so hopefully bands will get some of their flyers along as well to put in .. im pretty sure whoever wins will be then up for helping out and spreading the word of some of the bands and stuff .. so its all good :) ..