Overhead consistency

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
How much are you guys playing with overhead volumes in the mix? I'm often having difficulty with cymbals being too loud or too quiet in certain spots of different songs, particularly with really loud china hits. Is this normal? Compression isn't really helping.

On my latest recording, I used 2 OH mics on the L and R sides of the kit, a foot above the cymbals. I'm also sidechaining a limiter with the snare to clean up the snare sound but that's not really causing the problem.

It looks like I'm going to have to really play with the volume automation to get the cymbals in shape, but it seems like that's too much work and that it'll probably end up hurting the sound. Do any of you guys face the same problem?
next time, have a one-on-one with the drummer


finesse the cymbals...

move the china if needed

also this mic OH placement pretty much gives a great kit picture

Mic 1 - about 42 inches over the snare center thereabouts pointed at the snare center

Mic 2 - same distance (from snare and kick) as mic 1 positioned over the player's right shoulder pointed at the kick thereabouts

mics need good off-axis response
I'm not lucky enough to work with absolutely amazing drummers, so I find riding overheads (all drum mics actually) a necessity. Riding up all crashes, and lowering for when the drummer is beating the china like it owes him money is almost routine for me now.
Genius Gone Insane said:
One more thing, how many dBs are you guys adding/subtracting?

What-ever works best. Really there is no way to give you a number. Some things are just louder then others. Use your ears not your eyes.
Sounds like you've already heard what you wanted to hear...

I also use quite a bit of volume automation on the overhead mics sometimes.
For that matter, I do that on most all of the drum tracks. Sometimes I need to bring up quieter sections on the snare or toms and I dont want to do something that extreme with compression because it would ruin the sound.

Automation is your friend :)