Overhead pair for ~$200?


May 28, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I've been stuck with Nady DM70 (shit) overheads for a while now, and I have ~$200 to buy something for recording. I can't think of anything else I need besides a better pair of overheads, so I've been looking at these:

-MXL 604
-Studio Projects B1

If there's anything else that keeps me within 20-30 bucks of $200, please feel free to chime in.

I still don't have any decent tom mics, but I think my recordings would benefit more from replaced toms and some nice sounding overheads than the other way around.

Edit: Side note... I don't have a very good room for recording yet, so I'm guessing SDC's might be a better choice?
if at all possible, i would hold out a little longer until you can gather some more money and buy something that will withstand time rather than hold you over...

but, i did buy a couple MXL 990/991 sets from GC when they were on sale, and they dont sound half bad... im pretty sure you can get them new for about $100 for each pair... so, 4 mics for $200... sure you could use the other two on something else...
if at all possible, i would hold out a little longer until you can gather some more money and buy something that will withstand time rather than hold you over...

but, i did buy a couple MXL 990/991 sets from GC when they were on sale, and they dont sound half bad... im pretty sure you can get them new for about $100 for each pair... so, 4 mics for $200... sure you could use the other two on something else...
I'm recording a band next week. :erk:

Just makes me cringe at the thought of having to use those Nady overheads again.

Edit: Haven't heard much good about the MXL 993. I think I'll disregard it for now.
I'd bet on the slightly more expensive oktava mk012s or rode nt5. Borrow money if you have to :)
Shadow_Walker, Oktava's are pretty expensive in USA in comparison with the prices in Europe. Also they're not popular there, 'cause there is a huge possibility to buy a cheap copies made in China and not in Russia as originals.
But rode nt-5's pair should be a good option.