Overheads and snare


Mar 30, 2005
I have a problem..I am trying to remove the snare from the OH tracks but this fucking "pat pat" doesn't want to go away.
Initially I used an Eq with a 1500Hz Hi-pass for remove the kick drum....but I have the snare very present! :erk:
I've noticed that a gate (probably because I use it in the wrong way) affects a lot the sound..and doesn't resolve the problem.
I've thought to use sidechain but I don't know if it's the right way..because if I send snare (L) and OH (R) into sidechain plugin, it compress the OH track when there is a snare hit...but it compress all the OH track during the hit, not only the snare leaking...
I don't know if you can undestand me :)

Do you have some tips?
Thank you guys!
At least attenuated...not totally removed.
The snare leak in the OHs affect a lot the snare sound...and I can't lower the Ohs as a solution because the Ohs levels are ok...
I use eq to get the snare out, it's a bitch. I usually worry more aboot the kick in ohs. Once you get to mixing, it becomes easier, and you get less anal about it. I just push those ohs up, after I've got my snare tone. After you clone your snare three times, and put that up, the oh snare kinda goes away. Then you got the hi hat taking over.:lol:
I use a high pass filter at 600 hz and it works great. What kind of placement did you use, that is probably your main problem, and in that case you will just be stuck with what you got. You really don't want to cut much more past 600hz as you will lose a lot of the fullness to the cymbals and you will be left with the hissy hi end. Good luck

but I don't know if it's the right way..because if I send snare (L) and OH (R) into sidechain plugin, it compress the OH track when there is a snare hit...but it compress all the OH track during the hit, not only the snare leaking...

Try limiting the OHs, not compressing them. When you solo the OHs, you should get a few ms of silence when the side chain triggers.
I can't give a specific frequency to cut, cause I don't pay attention to numbers.:lol: I know I high pass the fuck out of ohs to get the flabby kick out. What I was sayin, is after I start mixing the drums, my fear of the lame oh snare sound goes away, ya know. The oh snare sounds horrible when ohs are soloed, but after throwing up the BITCHIN snare track, and ones got reverb on it. I end up with three snare tracks, and then a GOG sample of the same snare to boot. Your shitty oh snare will "go away" :lol: Hope that helps, it works for me.:lol:
eeasiest soloution is to record the oh's better so the snare sounds good in it,
smart arse comments aside, try and use what you got in the ohs to blend with your mic and triggers, even if its not great, you just need the right blend
To get snares out of overheads, use compression. Use a fast attack so that every time the compressor sees that snare transient, it smacks down on it. You can also use Drumagog as a ducker.. in advanced it has a key'd gate... you can send the snare track as the "trigger" and every time the snare hits, the overheads attenuate. I usually tell people who are using my samples to do this if the sample is nothing like the real snare recorded, it works great. Let me know if I was clear.