Slate Digital Trigger 2 and fast snare hits


New Metal Member
May 22, 2016
I've been using Drumagog 5 to replace snare hits before but it doesn't seem to be able to recognize any fast snare hits. For example, one of my band's songs is in 250 bpm and it has some 16th note drum fills. If I want to use samples, the snare track just ends up sounding retarded because Drumagog leaves out some snare strokes. No matter which settings I change. Really not happy with Drumagog 5 at all.

So I've been thinking of buying Trigger 2 instead. But I was just wondering if it has the same problem. Is it any better when it comes to fast drum rolls or would I just end up having the same problem if I bought it? Couldn't really find an answer to this on the interwebz so I would really appreciate it if some of you guys could help. Thanks!
I don't know wheter Trigger would do a better job tracking the performance, but at least for me Trigger is heaps better than Drumagog.

Now for an actual tip, I suggest that you either:

a) Trigger the samples via MIDI by extracting the MIDI information from the performance. Takes a while to line up everything but the results will be exact. If you can't automatically extract the MIDI information, you could write it by hand and line it up so it's phase accurate (given that the samples you use start correctly and have no latency, if not then shift the printed track accordingly).

b) Cut up the track you're going to trigger so that there is nothing else on the track than the actual hits. This too might take a while but you're in total control of the triggering results as with the MIDI option.
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Try it once or get somebody to do it for you, you might not look back after that. ;)
+1 on the midi option. I convert all drums to midi before resampling.

Just side note that Trigger 2 hasn't been updated in over 2 years, so you may run into glitches. For example, with Trigger 2 in Pro tools 12.4, MIDI resampling is a clusterfuck of massive proportions.

I did manage to find a bizarre workaround, however. Just put Xpand 2 before every instance of Trigger 2 and you're good to go. All MIDI triggering and track freezing works perfectly. Don't ask me why this works. It just does. (note: Xpand 2 doesnt need to do a damn thing. Just make sure it's active and in front of Trigger 2 in the plugin chain).
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