Overlorde - Return of the Snow Giant

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Overlorde - Return of the Snow Giant
Sonic Age - SARECD003 - 17/12/04
By Patrick Walsh


Unbelievably, Overlorde have been knocking about since no less than 1985, and yet this is their first release proper aside from a self-released and self-titled EP in 1987. They disbanded in '88 and for some reason decided to get back together in 2000, apparently due to 'general fan interest', whatever that means. Unsurprisingly, Overlorde play power metal of the ye olde variety, influenced by Iron Maiden and Judas Priest rather than your Helloweens and Stratovarius'. What is on offer with Return of the Snow Giant is a plethora of classic sounding heavy metal tunes, the usual questionable lyrics and one too many references to cliched mythological beasts. Business as usual then.

Overlorde, to be fair, know how to belt out a riotously good heavy metal tune. 'Snow Giant' gallops along nicely, although it quickly becomes clear that the production on this release is below par in places. Commendably the band have gone for an altogether rawer sound than many of their sugary polished contemporaries, but at times it feels as though the guitars could be a little higher in the mix to make those choruses standout a little more. Overlorde show no shame in tackling the most dubious lyrical subject manner this side of Manowar, check these songtitles out for instance; 'Snow Giant', 'Starcastle, 'Ogre Wizard', 'Colossus (Island of the Cyclops). Still, fans of this genre know what to expect and some will probably even revel in it. Clocking in at over an hour, Return of the Snow Giant tends to overstay its welcome a bit, and contains some humdrum fillers, but those of a leather-clad nature would do well to investigate this nonetheless.

Vocalist Bobby 'Leather Lungs' Lucas is competent and hits those all important high notes well, although he does sound a little jaded at times. His screeching of the words 'Star Castle' in the aforementioned song of the same name will no doubt result in a bit of cringing, as will other parts of this album, but Return of the Snow Giant is an enjoyable listen overall. 'When He Comes' even features the band slowing things down a few notches to good effect before going into a mid-pace gallop, with the whole thing smacking of old Black Sabbath being covered by Judas Priest or something, which turns out quite interesting. Meanwhile 'Blackness' is a winner simply because its opening bars consist of a uncharacteristicaly funky bassline. With super-cool cover art to boot, Overlorde have managed to create a trad-metal album of consistent quality that is unlikely to change the world but will come as a pleasant surprise to those hankering for the days when songs about Ogres were the height of sophistication, if such a time ever existed.


Overlorde's Official Website
Sonic Age Records' Official Website
This is what I call TRUE metal, not power metal. Bobby Lucas was the original 7 Witches singer and I'm glad to see he's still around. I'm definitely gonna try and find this one... :D

Thanks for all the good words about our CD!

Today, January 10th, is the German release date of Overlorde's RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT!! (Delayed from the original Dec 17th date) The CD is being distributed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland by Twilight Distribution.

Everyone is invited to check it out for themselves on Saturday, January 15th as Overlorde holds an “Online Chat and Listening Party!” Check out the new CD while chatting with other fans and members of Overlorde!

Be sure to tell all your friends! Check back at www.overlorde.com during the week for details or Click here to drop a line showing your interest so we can keep you updated on the details!

We hope all our supporters here at Ultimate Metal will try to attend as well as people who are curious to hear us for the first time!


Flying V/Overlorde
THE END RECORDS (USA) website has been updated. They now have OVERLORDE: RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT CDs in stock. In fact, they have been getting so many requests for it they have already placed a second order with our label!

So head over to http://www.theendrecords.com to get your order placed or ask your local store to get it in stock now, so you don’t have to wait for the next shipment!

Here is a link featuring 30-second samples of ALL the songs on the Overlorde CD. They also have another Sonic Age records artist, MADE OF IRON, there with all the samples.


RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT (sampling of critic ratings)
HEAVY, ODER WAS?! (Germany) 12/12
HEADACHE (Holland) 10/10
METAL HAMMER (Italy) 6/6
ROCK HARD (Germany) 8.5/10 and 5th place of 41 CDs reviewed in SOUND CHECK feature
METAL HAMMER (Greece) 8/10


Flying V/Overlorde

Just wanted to post this very cool print ad that Sonic Age used in the Greek Market (Greek Metal Hammer, etc).

Suuuuuuwwwweeeetttt, huh?

The red quote is from the reviewer at HEAVY, ODER WAS?!

"...to get back together in 2000, apparently due to 'general fan interest', whatever that means."

it just means they were so damn good in the eighties we wanted new material :D

Dr. Abner Mality said:
This is what I call TRUE metal, not power metal.
In my opinion this is power metal at its best. US POWER, not the power metal like Dragonforce or other cheesy bands. There's quite a difference!
OVERLORDE PRESS RELEASE: For immediate distribution MARCH/10/2005

So much has happened in the past 2 months since the last Overlorde Press Release. Visit www.overlorde.com , CURRENT NEWS for all the news but here are some of the highlights...

HEAVY, ODER WAS!? issue # 80, March/April 2005 included a GREAT surprise! Not only did they include their 1/2 page interview with Overlorde's M.E., but they included RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT in its SOUNDCHECK feature. Twelve (12) reviewers rated seventy three (73) CDs and they were ranked by the average rating. Overlorde came in an astonishing NUMBER TWO!!!!

A two page interview with Overlorde's M.E. is also in the current issue of Holland's HEADACHE magazine!

Not to be overlooked, Germany's UNBROKEN METAL has given the CD a "Perfect 10" rating in the current issue (the only perfect rating in the issue) and LEGACY gave it 14/15!

Sweden#146;s largest rock/metal radio show is going to be airing an Overlorde song this weekend, on Saturday March 12th. So those of you in the listening area, or who can stream online, can check it out. The show starts approximately 6:00pm CET and an archive file can be downloaded during the following week. The website is http://www.sr.se/p4/dist. The DJ is Andreas Matz, the show name is DIST.You can see his prior week playlists by clicking on SPELLICITOR.

RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT Vinyl and Digipak coming soon! Also full size Poster! Read about it at www.sonicagerecords.com

Overlorde's debut European show is fast approaching on April 2nd. Check www.keep-it-true.de for the band order , etc.

Overlorde's new forums are now open!

CENTURY MEDIA is now distributing the CD in North and South America!

Thanks to EVERYONE who attended the "Online Chat and CD Listening Party" that was held on January 15th. Lots of people attended and a great time was held by all! Special thanks to www.gospel.org for providing the chat room and Bad Attitdue Radio for streaming the CD. Please stop by and check them out! The transcript will posted soon.

THE END USA sold out of their first shipment of Overlorde CDs in just three days last month, and U.S. fans were unable to order it while The End waited for a restock shipment. That shipment arrived recently and the CD can now be ordered either through THE OMEGA (The End's Online mailorder) or by asking your local record store to get it from THE END. Other U.S. Mailorders like METALDISC also carry it.

WDHA FM's METAL MANIA aired SNOW GIANT on Friday, Feb 11th. Overlorde thanks DJ Matt Murray for continuing the tradition of Metal Mania's support for Overlorde, which began when Metal Mania's Cheryl Richardt supported the band in 1987. If you live in the WDHA listening area (Northern NJ) be sure to listen and request Overlorde each Friday night during the show!

Overall RETURN OF THE SNOW GIANT has been getting unbelievable reviews. Here is a sampling of other great reviews not already mentioned above.

HEAVY, ODER WAS?! (Germany) 12/12
HEADACHE (Holland) 10/10
METAL HAMMER (Italy) 6/6
ROCK HARD (Germany) 8.5/10 and 5th place of 41 CDs reviewed in SOUND CHECK feature
METAL HAMMER (Greece) 8/10
www.metalgospel.org : Best CD of 2004!
www.metalcrypt.com : Best CD of 2004 (Cryptkeeper's pick)