Owen the Drummer Plays YYZ


Jan 21, 2010
Not sure if anyone remembers Owen about 3 or 4 years ago, he was really big on youtube, a fantastic drummer.... He resurfaced again covering YYZ and absolutely nails it!

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Came here expecting a 3 year old.

LOL yea, I don't think a 3 year old could play this incredible of a performance :)...... I've seen plenty of drummers covering YYZ, but very very few that have nailed it like Owen does....
Hehe, here's another 8 year old child this time having fun playing YYX. Obviously not as clean, but pretty damn good, and she looks like she's having fun...Yes, I said she :)

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He forgot the drumstick toss/catch at 2:50 :heh:

hehe and now that I think about it, I think I'm more impressed by the child playing it, only because of her age....The sad part is, myself and probably lots of other drummers can't play it as well as she can even after practicing for several years.... I guess a natural is a natural, no real explanation for it......