OZZFEST 2005: Photos From Festival Kick-off Posted Online

I like the Arch enemy and the Shadows Fall ones.

I wonder what Soilwork's setlist is...supposed to be a diverse one or something. I bet they probably threw an old one in there.
Yeah this time if you see me just wave me down and let me know that you post on our board!
I'll see ya at Hank III! You probably saw me at SOTU. I stuck out like a sore thumb! Tan, blonde, lil skirt, white shirt...and "older"!
Ok I might no go to Hank III
Exactly why would you do that??? You don't understand his talent until you see him live. He truly is GREAT!!! You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO missing out on a truly GREAT ARTIST...whether you like his music or not, he is a very gifted and talented artist and musician!!! You should really go see this for the sake of art and entertainment. One day "they" will teach about him in your basic Humanities 101 class...