Ozzfest - anyone going?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, I am prepared to get flamed for making an OZZFEST related thread.
Anyone going?
I am going to Alpine Valley on August 6th.
There is no way I am missing a set of Maiden where they are only playing material from IRON MAIDEN through PIECE OF MIND. They are playing lots of stuff I personally never have seen them play live.

Also, I have never seen the original Sabbath line-up live too, so a much added bonus.

There are a handful of other bands I like who I probably would not go see at their own show, but will check out at a setting like this (such as In Flames, the Haunted, Arch Enemy...)
Jasonic, you won't get flamed for mentioning something like that here. Thankfully this forum is mostly frequented by open minded people who don't constantly sit around and bash each other for their personal tastes or not being "true metal" enough.

I actually had every intention on going to Ozzfest this year, as I have attended most of them in fact. But with everything going on lately, I just never got around to getting tickets or anything, and now I'm too broke to bother at all. I'd love to see Maiden and Sabbath, and actually I'd be interested in seeing almost all of the bands on the bill, though I've seen them all at least once or twice before. Make sure you post about the show here so I can read it and weep haha The first four Maiden albums were a huge influence on me, I'm sorry I'll have to miss it.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Jasonic, you won't get flamed for mentioning something like that here. Thankfully this forum is mostly frequented by open minded people who don't constantly sit around and bash each other for their personal tastes or not being "true metal" enough.

Well, that's a good thing. I don't feel anyone here from what I have seen posted would flame me. Though there are many in the metal community, whether online or in person, who cringe at the thought of anything related to Ozzfest. This is the first time I am going to it. In the past, there had only been one or two bands on the bill I wanted to see (and I had usually already seen that band live). Though Maiden's participation has pushed me to the darkside (hehehe) of attending Ozzfest.

I will definitely post a review.

For those who have gone, are there any good merch booths? I assume there aren't any underground vendors, but will labels such as Century Media, Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast, etc who have bands on the bill be there?
From what I've seen of the Ozzfests I've attended, you're not really going to find any cool booths that sell CM, NB or other underground metal cds there, other than cds and shirts specifically pertaining to the bands on the fest that day. There are some cool dealers there who sell general metal merchandise, but don't expect to find anything really rare or underground. The bands who perform on the fest all sell their merchandise at a general Ozzfest merch area usually.

People can say what they want about Ozzfest and I'll probably agree with a good portion of it, but it can be alot of fun to hang out and talk to people and stuff regardless. Just don't let the sun get to you!!
I've never gone to Ozzfest, and most likely never will. It has nothing to do with the fest, or the bands, as I'd love to go for that. These days, with my back as bad as it is, I can't deal with the crowds, and being uncomfortable all day. Last year I had a chance to get private box seats, and it never happened (Because my wife didn't want to impose) so if that ever comes up again, maybe I'll go. Actually, I'd love to go see all the Swedish bands this year!
I was intent on going but didn't buy tickets and now I just have to much stuff to do on that day to go. Also I bought 5 NIN tickets and I have yet to see any money back for the 3 I expect money back for.
The plan is for me to go on August 6th at Alpine Valley. I didn't buy tix, but something is telling we can go there the day of the show and get a lawn ticket. I loathe the Tweeter Center, which is why I opted for WI. I couldn't possibly miss Iron Maiden, as I have never seen them before nor will I probably get another chance to again. I'm excited to see some of the Swedish bands too, even though most of them are playing at some unearthly hour of the morning. I've attended one Ozzfest previously...it was alright. One major fest this summer won't kill me...and hopefully the heatwave won't make a return on the day of the show.
Crappy thing about Ozzfest (Well..other than ND not playing) is that during today's show in NJ (The 2nd straight day there)...Sabbath had to pull out. :cry: Seems Ozzy's got a chest cold, and has had it for a few weeks. Doc's wouldn't let him go out there tonight. The good portion of that is Iron Maiden got bumped to headliner, and got to play for about 2 hours. Sadly, I was at work, and didn't get a chance to go. But it's all over the 'net.
I'll be there at the Tweeter Center show this Saturday even though I hate that place but I just got some free tix to the show. Mainly going to see Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Arch Enemy.
I've seen Sabbath a couple of times over the past several years. The band plays really well, but Ozzy is pretty bad now. He really ought to retire, to be honest. It really seems like now he is just pushing on in order to make more money, he's not really advancing himself as an artist and while I'd like to believe that he still does it because he really loves it, I've seen and read many an interview where he's said he's tired of touring and wishes he could be done with it all. Just let the man have his peace, I say. I'm more interested now in seeing something like an Iommi/Hughes tour, frankly.
I went on July 23 - Burgettstown, PA....... It was friggin awesome and I just found out I might be in the new Shadows Fall music video cause they filmed here.
Jasonic, Shadowlioness, anyone else going for that matter...

I'll be there at Alpine on August 6th... Actually, my whole band is going. I always have a fun time at Ozzfest. It is expensive as hell for a full day of food and drinks, but it is always a good time. We're going mostly to see second stage bands, so we will be there early.

If you see one of us, say "hey' and we'll slam a beer with ya!

Danimal said:
Jasonic, Shadowlioness, anyone else going for that matter...

I'll be there at Alpine on August 6th... Actually, my whole band is going. I always have a fun time at Ozzfest. It is expensive as hell for a full day of food and drinks, but it is always a good time. We're going mostly to see second stage bands, so we will be there early.

If you see one of us, say "hey' and we'll slam a beer with ya!


Hey Dan,
Sorry, but I don't know what any of ya guys look like!!
Nonetheless, I will be there as well.
I am more excited after hearing the new Arch Enemy, though they may get to play 5 songs if not less!

Looks like Ozzy missed another show over the weekend.
Makes for an interesting dilemma! Do I want Ozzy to cancel next weekend and miss what will probably be my only chance at seeing Sabbath? Or, do I hope he cancels so Maiden plays a headlining set of early material?
Our drummer Joe went to the show at the Tweeter Center on Saturday. He said the overall fest was great, the second stage was really excellent and all the bands on the main stage were awesome too, particularly Maiden. He did say that Sabbath were a disappointment though, they only played like seven songs and Ozzy sounded bad. Go figure. I love Ozzy but man, the ol' lady needs to let him stay home next year. Is it really worth destroying this mans legacy just to keep squeezing the dollars out of everyone? Ozzfest is an entity unto its own now, it doesnt even need Ozzy there anymore to be honest with you. Even if he still went and announced the bands and sang a few tunes each night with the headliners that'd be acceptable.