Pacific Northwest Enchant Fans!


Long-time Enchant Fanatic
Sep 30, 2002
Seattle, WA
Hey-ho and Hello from the soggy Pacific Northwest!!

According to the latest news on the Enchant site, they're working on their 7th studio album ("LUCKY 7"!!!), with a European tour and some US DATES!!!!

Anyone want to see how much interest we can generate up here for an Enchant show?

I know of an excellent, Vancouver, WA-based band: 4th Plane Jaiant (

No, I'm not in it - I'm working on my own bit of musical musings at my home studio...but that's another topic for another day.

If anyone has any interest or just wants to hear about the time that Doug, Ed, Wes and myself had to nearly break into our favorite jamming place just to jam, email me at:

Oh, and please don't take my email address and submit it to a bunch of spam-generators, or the Internet Karma-lords will get back at you...someday....some way.


Mr. K.


Hey, I'm still technically considered part of the Pacific Northwest even though my state doesn't touch the ocean and is a barren wasteland. :D

Still, Vancouver, Portland, Seattle... all too far away for me. :( I live in BFE. Smack dab between Boise and Salt Lake City. God help me, I just used the term "smack dab." My redneck is showing.
Hey Scott

How is the Great Pacific Northwest :)

Hey we are so hoping to get up that way this year! We will just have to wait and see though!~

Talk with you soon
ProgMetalFan said:
Barren wasteland? I think Idaho is incredible.
hehehe. Not in the south. This place was a high desert before people started farming it. :) There's still TONS of remnants of desert landscape everywhere even though this desert is carved through the middle of the Sawtooths and follows the Snake River. But it's pretty bleak and sad looking area out here for the most part. It cheers up a bit when the farmers' fields start turning green, but it's brown and yucky through most of the year.

Head north, though, and it looks great. :D Down here, you see lots of this:

Ick. I hate sagebrush.