PAGAN ALTAR - Review on the front page.


Mar 24, 2005
Killer review Jay. I was wondering why it didn't score a 10/10 for you?

The Red Judgement Of The Dead LPs are nearly out over at Black Widow. I highly recommend getting one. I have Red and Black LPs available. I will own the last copies printed (hopefully, if I have enought $$$) :cool:

Hail the best NWOBHM band ever!!!!!

It can't get a 10/10 yet simply because I haven't had it long enough. To give something 10/10 means it has to stand the test of time, so for now it gets 9.5. That 0.5 difference is normally made up of "emotional attachment" that's hard to come by in just a few weeks worth of listening (if this all makes sense).

Then there are certain albums that scream 10/10 within just a few months...Hammers, Orphaned Land, Empyrium, Primordial....

Are they the best NWOBHM band ever? Not quite. ;)
JayKeeley said:
Are they the best NWOBHM band ever? Not quite. ;)

Oh yes, yes they are :p ;)

I understand now why you didn't score it 10/10. Thank you for explaining that. It makes sense.

One Inch Man said:
why are pagan altar considered nwobhm? just the time frame?

Well, I call them Doom mostly. They do have that "NWOBHM" essence to them though, more so in Lords of Hypocrisy.

Vol 1 = Doom Metal w/ NWOBHM leanings
Lords of Hypocrisy = NWOBHM w/ Doom Metal leanings

They have enough of a NWOBHM sound to be considered part of that genre IMO and the time frame that the songs were made also helps.
NWOBHM categorization is just for timeframe/country, since so many bands called "nwobhm" have totally different sound. Its just what the name says, bands from England that made a difference with their sound from 70s metal. Then there is the so called "post nwobhm" with bands like Tokyo Blade or Elixir.