Question: why are you SELLING these promotional posters?

I got a bunch of them from Limb Music long ago, had to throw 'em out.


NEWSFLASH Claus......because I PAID for them. Wow good for you dude, you got them for free. Want a cookie? You run a management business I dont so dont be ridiculous and compare me and you ok? I worked out a deal with a store owner in Germany to get these to help get them into fans hands.

If15.00 is too much for people than keep your money. Paypal fees, poster tubes, and shipping isnt free last time I checked, and Id like to make at least a couple bucks.

Anyone else wanna whine, and thread piss? LOL.
NEWSFLASH Claus......because I PAID for them. Good for you , you got them for free. You run a management business I dont so dont be ridiculous and compare me and you ok? I worked out a deal with a store owner in Germany to get these to help get them into fans hands.

And if 15.00 is too much than keep your money. Paypal fees poster tubes, and shipping isnt free last time I checked, and Id like to make at least a couple bucks.

Anyone else wanna whine, and thread piss? LOL.

NEWSFLASH Claus......because I PAID for them. Wow good for you dude, you got them for free. Want a cookie? You run a management business I dont so dont be ridiculous and compare me and you ok? I worked out a deal with a store owner in Germany to get these to help get them into fans hands.

If15.00 is too much for people than keep your money. Paypal fees, poster tubes, and shipping isnt free last time I checked, and Id like to make at least a couple bucks.

Anyone else wanna whine, and thread piss? LOL.

A little defensive there John, might want to check that...

NEWSFLASH Claus......because I PAID for them. Wow good for you dude, you got them for free. Want a cookie? You run a management business I dont so dont be ridiculous and compare me and you ok? I worked out a deal with a store owner in Germany to get these to help get them into fans hands.

If15.00 is too much for people than keep your money. Paypal fees, poster tubes, and shipping isnt free last time I checked, and Id like to make at least a couple bucks.

Anyone else wanna whine, and thread piss? LOL.

lol great attitude. I hope nobody ever buys anything from you.
A little defensive there John, might want to check that...


Check what? If someone wants to make allegations Im ripping others off, you're damn right I'll defend myself. Check what? I'll defend my actions anytime I want.
Check what? If someone wants to make allegations Im ripping others off, you're damn right I'll defend myself. Check what? I'll defend my actions anytime I want.

Most of the time when people get batches of promotional stuff, they got the items for free. Claus's question was perfectly legitimate. How the hell was he supposed to know that you paid for them?
lol great attitude. I hope nobody ever buys anything from you.

5 sold. Bummer huh?

Seriously what attitude? Its ok for someone to claim Im ripping others off by selling promotional posters yet I cant say anything?

Or is it because Glenn and Claus work together and God forbid anyone stand up for ones self?

Cmon who else wants to thread piss? I'm not bothered. Next you can all boycott my radio show too.
Check what? If someone wants to make allegations Im ripping others off, you're damn right I'll defend myself. Check what? I'll defend my actions anytime I want.

You come off as arrogant hence the reply above. I don't recall anyone threatening you, Claus asked a question but as usual you relate it to a threat for some reason or another. Also what I meant was check the tude dude or you will get what you get.

Seriously what attitude? Its ok for someone to claim Im ripping others off by selling promotional posters yet I cant say anything?

Where did I make that claim? I asked a question, you responded hostile.

Or is it because Glenn and Claus work together and God forbid anyone stand up for ones self?

Hahahahahha - that's a good one.
Most of the time when people get batches of promotional stuff, they got the items for free. Claus's question was perfectly legitimate. How the hell was he supposed to know that you paid for them?

Well cmon of course he gets them for free he runs a MANAGEMENT & PROMOTION business. I'm just some small time radio show. Comparing us is like apples and oranges.

Trust me I have nothing personal against Claus, and probably never will. I just hate thread pissing thats all. If you dont want a poster fine....move on. My actions dont need to be questioned I havent done anything wrong.
Where did I make that claim? I asked a question, you responded hostile.

Hahahahahha - that's a good one.

Why else would you come in this thread asking? Seriously. What does it matter to you then what I do with some posters?

BEAR : Get what I get? What will I get? Some people off this forum who wont listen to my radio show or buy some posters? I dont really understand the threat. Please explain.

Anyways it doesnt matter I'm sure the thread will get locked soon enough.