Paging Jame Smurphy - Track 7 on TGE


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
Since you'd know better than anyone, what guitar, pups, and amp did ya play through on that little ditty?

Sounds like a stacked single coil in neck? Its def. neck position... I like the tone, reminds me of the good Skolnick era stuff. Spill them beans. Thankx.
EtherForBreakfast said:
Since you'd know better than anyone, what guitar, pups, and amp did ya play through on that little ditty?

Sounds like a stacked single coil in neck? Its def. neck position... I like the tone, reminds me of the good Skolnick era stuff. Spill them beans. Thankx.
that was one of Andy's black Fernandez V's actually.. EMG's humbuckers... 81's i'm sure... i switch back and forth between neck and bridge with thinking about it. so i can't remember how much of it is neck or bridge. i tracked it through a POD and grabbed a D.I. as well. Andy later re-amped it, i think through his Krank Revolution One. oh yeah, i think i also used Andy's Maxxon TS-808
Very interesting... I was under the impression that you'd have your main axe and your main amp with you at all times. It definitely sounded like anl off the cuff, spur of the moment pajama jammy jam (kinda makes House Party III look like House Party I). You have a very cool lead style... i've always liked it.

Anywho - Fernandez V, with EMG 81's, through a pod and DI, and then later reamped... i would never have guessed such a scenario... just goes to show what can be done with all of the new fandangled whacky tools. I was thinking it was some old Esp M-II Deluxe with a duncan hotrail, into a boogie MKIV... guess I was wrong. +)
Noumenon said:
nothing bad about the track, I like it, but I don't think it fits with the other songs
i thnk that was the point.. it's not really supposed to fit. it's an interlude... gives you a brief break from the intnesity of the rest of the CD... a chance to take it all in while listening to something very laid back and out of character of the rest of the album... then BAM.. right back to the onslaught of the album proper... that's how i've always veiwed interludes anyway.