Paging Mr. Lynch

"To fall into a mystery and its danger...everything becomes so intense in those moments. When most mysteries are solved, I feel tremendously let down. So I want things to feel solved up to a point, but there's got to be a certain percentage left over to keep the thing going.
You understand it, but you don't understand it, and it keeps that mystery alive. That's the most beautiful thing."

-David Lynch
Fuck you you bodybuilding fuck! Your arms are so big and bulky that you've lost all your dexterity, you lumbering sack of shit meathead. You can't play guitar anymore. You can't fucking shred. All you can do is look "pretty" (and that's pretty fucking debatable considering what a bulk pile you are) for cameras while you endorse ESP. I remember the grace and agility you exhibited on "Back For The Attack" but you've traded your art in for lifting weights. You can't fucking shred anymore, you has-been shit. Fuck off.
You're like one of those sad Indians, watching his art of feathers and buffalos turn into mass-produced Sony Dreamcatchers (tm), while a crystal tear rolls down a weathered, ethnic cheek.
Originally posted by Nagle
Fuck you you bodybuilding fuck! Your arms are so big and bulky that you've lost all your dexterity, you lumbering sack of shit meathead. You can't play guitar anymore. You can't fucking shred. All you can do is look "pretty" (and that's pretty fucking debatable considering what a bulk pile you are) for cameras while you endorse ESP. I remember the grace and agility you exhibited on "Back For The Attack" but you've traded your art in for lifting weights. You can't fucking shred anymore, you has-been shit. Fuck off.

Damnit, calm down Beavis!!
Alexes tend to be cool, except for the Alex I went to grade school with who would poop down his pant leg during class.

That's kind of cool if you think about it though. At least he made an impression on you by doing that.
So did the kid who blew his nose on his uniform tie every day until it was shiny, lacquered, and whitish, but I dunno if I'd call him cool.

Although I am talking about him fifteen years after I last saw him, which IS cool.