PAIN - Bye/Die


New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2004
well according the it's supposed to be the next single, here you can hear the song (the 13th minute more or less) together "Good Day To Die" and plus small interview with Peter in swedish, is anyone is kind enough to translate what he says there?
Ya, I just saw that today to. It's going to be pretty expensive to be a PAIN fan... I just got the "Same old song" single and Maxi, and I ordered the album including the DVD, and now I have to make an order - Again... ;)

I can try to translate the parts I understand for you...

Peter describe the Pain sound, He say it's Ac/dc drums, Pantera Guitar mixed with a little "euro disco techno synth". He says he tries to mix that up with melodies, attitude, and just heavy sound. He want the Pain tracks to be very catchy...

After the Bye /die track he says that he is not that kind of person who writes songs about "the flowers and the bees". He writes about stuff that has happened in his life lately. He says that PAIN has been a kind of therapy for him. He uses PAIN for writing about all the shitty stuff that happens around him. Just to get it out of his system.

Peter says that he has been dead for 2 minutes. He doesn't remember how it was. He says it felt like a little tremble, and like a thousand needles pinching, and then he woke up. He says that it a shocking experience, and he says it makes you think about your children and everything, but then decides that there's no point being afraid to, because that would be a terribly boring life.

Bye / die seems to be a great song, but iIm a little dissapointed about "Not afraid to die". :erk:
Got the Same Old Song Maxi as well and I think it rocks! I felt the same about Not Afraid to Die as you did, but now I like it very much! Imo Trapped is better though. The guitars remind me more of Rebirth than of Nothing Remains The Same. I like that!
Need to hear Bye/Die now! It's a shame that we in Germany and the rest of europe have to wait til the end of March for the album! Can't really aford to order at cdon all the time... plus the CD+DVD package is quite expensive irrespective of the shipping costs! Damn, I hate those record company fuckers!
Cool song! Is it just me or do the guitars in the beginning sound a bit like Nirvana?
For me as a German Peter speaking swedish sounds totally weird since I only herad him talk English! I thought I might be able to understand a word or two cause Swedish and German both are Germanic languages, but no way! The only words I understood were his name and the English titles *lol*.
thanks alot Lunah :)

I was also not very thrilled about "not afraid to die" at first, but I've got used to it after a while and it's o.k, though "Trapped" is much better in my opinion.
I've also heard "Nothing" and "Good day to die" yesterday and they both great, seems the album is kinda a mix between the 1st one and "Rebirth", much heavier then the last one.

@paINflames: yep, I speak german too, so I though, hey maybe I'll be able to understand something lol :tickled: , 'cuz the written swedish has some similarities, but the spoken is totaly different, totaly different pronanciation.

btw, I've found some new interviews/reviews but I didn't want to start a new topic, so here they are, though most of the are in german.

interview 1 , gig review , interview in swedish , interview 2, interview 3
I guess this also isn't directly related to the topic, however, according to the official Pain website today at 18:00 on Swedish Radio P4 they are gonna play new Pain Songs :headbang:.
Yeah, but it was already yesterday, they played "Don't count me out" and "Nothing"
Man, the interviews are really cool! Got me even more anticipating the new stuff! I wish I could see Pain in Sweden! (To those, who can't read German: in one interview Peter said, that they're gonna play about 17 songs per gig!) It's time for a Europe headline tour!
But it's really a pitty, he can't really imagine a Bloodbath tour or even festival gigs...

@ Serene: where exactely are you from?
BlackDragon666 said:
Damn :(
I should read more exactly next time^^

I'm sure that yesterday's stream will be available here in few days ("Senaste programmet", now they streaming the one from 14.1.05), so everyone who missed it could hear it :)

@paINflames: from Osnabrueck, Germany :)

the interviews are cool indeed, man I so hope "dancing with the dead" will sell well, maybe then Pain will finally do a headliner tour here, or at least somewhere near here, 'cuz I really can't afford a flight to Sweden :erk:
Neither can I! Plus I have to do some exams for university at that time!
I hope they play at least some festivals, like Wacken or Summerbreeze, cause I'm planing to go to at least one of them! They wouldn't play more than 45 minutes there too though...
Serene said:
well according the it's supposed to be the next single, here you can hear the song (the 13th minute more or less) together "Good Day To Die" and plus small interview with Peter in swedish, is anyone is kind enough to translate what he says there?
"Bombastic synth larded schlager metal with dark lyrics"

Basically what Peter is doing is talking about the time when he "died" recently, dropped to the floor at the pub and was just gone for a few minutes before he came back.

Also a little about the influences of Pain.
The sound from the beginning being AC/DC and Pantera, mixed with some Euro Disco. A lot of attitude and heavy riff, you are supposed to pick up on the beat pretty fast in a Pain song.
Serene said:
I'm sure that yesterday's stream will be available here in few days ("Senaste programmet", now they streaming the one from 14.1.05), so everyone who missed it could hear it :)
And right now it is available, from about minute 10 or so.

Peter is talking about how Pain at the moment is his most important project, but that he is also busy with a new Hupocrisy album.

The new album from Pain has chorus that catch on, as the same time as the record is heavier and more guitar based, the music is not written on the synth any more.

Peter makes it all by himself except the live shows, which takes longer, but he wants to decide himself.

The difference in Pain live instead of the record is that live there is more rock and roll, more relaxed attitude.

Dream set up would be, if possible:
Ace Frehly, Nikky Sixx, Bonham

I've only listened up to minute 21 though, need to go, but I hope you find some interest in these translations.