PAIN OF SALVATION changes management


there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Swedish prog metallers Pain of Salvation have changed their management.

The official announcement:
"This was one of the toughest decisions we have had to take this far, but earlier this year we decided to leave Roasting House Studios and Management. The previous situation was becoming impossible for us, practically but also financially. Too many miles, too much time, too many dollars and too many hands. We had some really great times down in Malmö and who knows what will happen in the future, but for now we have changed our situation, as we believe, all for the better. This is one of the reasons why we have been absent the last months and basically only done the few shows that had been advertised; we have been involved in a lot of discussions and plans to and from, and everything has of course been unofficial by need until everything was settled and done. Now a new era has begun. We will still have Inside Out as our European label and Inside Out America as our American label, and we are negotiating with the other territories at the moment."

Official Pain of Salvation website: