Pain Of Salvation-How Split Is The Audience?

What are you guys talking about?? The music might not be as energetic as Edguy's, but the band interacts with the crowd pretty well, IMO...

Savatage is the second best live band I've ever seen.. They were the best, until I saw PoS at PP3...
I agree, PoS was probably in the top 3 best shows I have evr seen. The best performance I have evr seen goes to Kamelot!!! Roy Khan is amazing, the band was tight, and the music kicked ass. I get to see both great bands this year on the same stage! Can't fuckin wait!
Ummm...I...ummm...well...ummm...well. As my mother used to say: "If you can't say anything good about people from a third rate European country whose asses we saved in two world wars but still can't find anything better to do than to bag on our country then don't say anything at all."


Anyway, I'm just there to keep the drummers happy...right Harv? :-D
roamer said:
So far, the best show I have ever seen was Savatage a couple years ago. Only a couple hundred people there, but they just grabbed the crowd- mind, soul, and body and took us on a ride. I think Se7en Churches would second me on that one.
Quite agreed. This was the Poets and Madmen tour, and Savatage absolutely destroyed. Zak will ironically have some pretty big shoes to fill for Damond as regards my Savatage experiences; I never saw them with Zak. And from watching Circle II Circle, Zak is a quite capable frontman, but Damond is on a whole other level. Hopefully Zak will step it up a notch for PPV.

As for PoS, they never have done it for me. I was bored to absolute tears during their set at PP3, and every time i have tried to listen to any of their stuff (and there have been many, before i get the typical accusation of not giving it enough chances to "get it") I can get about a song and a half in before i feel like i'm wasting my time listening to it. I does nothing for me, and i frankly just find it boring.

And as regards the "you just don't 'get it'" sentiment that seems so prevalent about this band when their fans hear that someone doesn't like them, i find that incredibly pretentious on the part of said fans. My ears aren't inferior because I don't like your damn favorite band, ok? I get exactly what they're doing, I just don't enjoy it.

Se7enChurches said:
And as regards the "you just don't 'get it'" sentiment that seems so prevalent about this band when their fans hear that someone doesn't like them, i find that incredibly pretentious on the part of said fans. My ears aren't inferior because I don't like your damn favorite band, ok? I get exactly what they're doing, I just don't enjoy it.


Amen, Bro. I, as well, am tired of hearing that bullshit. Pretentious, as you said, is the best way to describe that behavior. I'm sure you're just using PoS as your example, but I've heard that many a time about other stuff.

When people say that to you, they're just trying (in vain, with me) to feel superior to you because they like it and you don't.

Last time I checked, these musicians aren't doing anything special, like curing cancer. They're just playing music, some better than others.

Lastly, a lot of the fans are usually smarter than some of these dumbshit musicians, so believe me, don't feel inferior ever to a musician.
Walter_Langkowski said:
What do they say about our country?

"One hour by the concrete Lake" was sort of a whole protest thing on war and pollution and stuff like that. I mean I'm not saying we should pollute the world and nuke every country but ours, but come on. Stratovarius has the same problem. Atleast Gildenlow can write incredible lyrics about it though. In my opinion he is the best lyricist ever. Well, I better end this post before politics gets involved. :erk:
jaimek said:
Yeah, PoS is definitely a love them or hate them band. I've never seen them (having missed PPI and III), so I'm really, really, REALLY looking forward to seeing them this year - and I in fact owe Glenn a big ole lick for the opportunity, too. :)

Just Glenn? :D
Soundscape said:
um..I dunno who this acquaintence of yours talked to, but nearly every single person I hear from who was at ProgPowerUSA 1.0 loved them.
I'll never forget that night.

There were grown men crying in the front row after PoS' set.

For weeks afterward the message boards and chat-rooms were abuzz about their show.

To this day their set at PPUSA 1 ranks as one of the Top 5 live performances I've ever seen.