I absolutely loved the first four Pain Of Salvation albums. Each one pushed the envelope for progressive metal further and further. "Be" was also enjoyable for me, but I can't really call it a musical album. Instead, I always refer to it as "audio art." "Scarsick" really took me off guard, and it wasn't until about two years after its release that I began to embrace it. I expected "Road Salt One" to be yet another trek into unknown territory, but I still wasn't prepared for what came. Though I like the album better than "Scarsick," I think it's safe to say that we shouldn't expect anything remotely similar to "Remedy Lane" again.
I totally understand Gildenlow's desire to expand the band's boundaries and find new ways to exhibit his art. However, this video exceeded my personal limit of what could be considered "art." Then again, it's making me question myself a lot, which is one result that art can and should have. I guess that at the end of the day, I can say that I don't have to like it, but that doesn't mean it isn't art.
Stay metal. Never rust.