Pain of Salvation

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Madness Reigns
Mar 23, 2006
The do-over at the beginning really put me off. Pulling a stunt like that when the show is already an hour behind schedule - and you are NOT the headliner? Seriously?

So the band wanted to start the show with the curtains closed, smoke, and a high energy entrance. Great. But the time to have discussed that was, oh, I don’t know…maybe TWELVE FUCKING MONTHS AGO when the show was announced?

And the real irony was that entrance #2 was not that much different from entrance #1.

I was sitting a few rows behind the soundboard, and the band lost a lot of crowd support with entrance #2, although they did start winning people back as the set progressed. And it WAS a good set, although unfortunately, not what the band will be remembered for in years to come.

Sure hope the band stayed for Jon Oliva’s Pain to see how a *real* pro handles himself at a rock’n’roll show when things don’t go 100% perfectly.
Agree completely, I thought for a minute that he might be joking, then he actually walked his ass off stage and made us wait another five minutes. Absolute bullshit move and admittedly, colored my view of the first part of the set. He had twelve month beforehand, plus the entire weekend to discuss whatever requests he had with the crew - if you realized as you walked on stage that you would've liked a different entrance, suck it up and blow us all away with your music. The band as a whole played a damn good set, and I thought Ragnar really stood out handling so many vocals and doing a great job with it.

I'm really curious to hear Glenn's thoughts on it - if he touches the subject - in his usual "thank you and goodnight" post.
Glenn did tweet that they were having some tech difficulties. So I'll give the band the benefit of the doubt. Plus, I loved their set.
From a fans perspective it was not a big deal at all. I could give a shit that they walked off and started over again. I'm sure Glenn and the crew have different opinions and that's totally understandable. My personal opinion is that Daniel wasn't in the right frame of mind emotionally to be able to pull off such an intense, emotional set. That's just pure speculation, but whatever the reason it ended up being totally fucking epic on every level.
I didn't even notice a difference between the first two entrances. Personally, I couldn't get into their set because I felt the mix was really off. It seems like that was just me, so no biggie. I still loved Remedy Lane.
I think Daniel said there were problems with the mix as one of the reasons he wanted to start over.

As far as the entrances were concerned, the first one had the curtains opened and the lights off for at least five (and probably closer to ten) minutes before the intro tape even played, which killed the audience at the outset. However, restarting the show was not the way to get them back.

The show also ended on a weird note, as the band came back for what looked to be an encore, only to take a bow and walk back. I'm wondering if someone told the band that there would be no encore due to the restart (which took about 10 minutes or so to get back to where they were). Lord knows, the show was long enough already, and if they had done an encore, we might not left Center Stage until least 2:30 AM
Yeah he did say he couldn't hear himself. And he was right about the curtain, it shouldn't have been pulled open already. People are always going to find a way to dislike him, but that set was awesome.
The curtain being closed doesn't make sense though. The lighting for the intro on the crowd looked far better than it hitting the curtain with a blacked over EarthLink Live logo still visible. And then it opened midway through and just looked like someone forgot to pull it in the second run through. Fog would have been nice but could have been used without the curtain being closed anyway

Never been a PoS fan but I did enjoy the set anyway.
The fact is we who are not the band and not the crew don't know what happened. Its not fair to place blame on any party. This could have been a multitude of things that went wrong that escalated in a way that just became a bit of a shit show.

Don't be so quick to step to the stone throwing booth at Daniel. Or the crew. Or anyone. That's not fair and its not our place. Its for the folks involved.

In the end, as far as the fans go, it was 5 fucking minutes. Get over it.

As far as anything else goes, that's between Progpower and POS.
The track is called "Of two beginnings" - - we got both. And pause for a moment to appreciate the magnitude of putting on a fest like this. Think of the fires that have been put out that you didn't see. Be a little more tolerant, metal brothers!
Yeah, I wasn't terribly thrilled with the whole do-over thing. I was already feeling kinda tired and cranky and that really wasn't what I needed. I left about halfway through the set because it unfortunately colored everything they were doing; which is probably a bit unfair on my part to judge them so harshly for it, but there you have it.

I was really looking forward to it too :\
I think Daniel should have handled it better, but I can invent a scenario in which having a do-over would have been preferable to the alternative. In most cases, I'd say, just suck it up, push your way through the first song, and then pause to get things taken care of. But, the first several songs on Remedy Lane blend in to one another, and it could be that there is just not a lot of time to pause and fix stuff until after Fandango or even after A Trace of Blood (especially if the NASA Control Center - tm Glenn - had samples / recordings ready to play on auto). So if the intent was to be authentic to the original recording and not break between tracks for quite a while, the loss of monitors could have affected things for longer than normal. But yeah, even that might be a stretch, and certainly there should have been a better way to deal with it.
Judging from Glenn's tweet, (the one about never having to deal with such a thing in the history of the Fest) he wasn't happy about the situation, and anything that needlessly makes his job harder is unnecessary. I hope this doesn't keep them from doing business in the future.
Judging from Glenn's tweet, (the one about never having to deal with such a thing in the history of the Fest) he wasn't happy about the situation, and anything that needlessly makes his job harder is unnecessary. I hope this doesn't keep them from doing business in the future.

Well, unless Glenn speaks about it, we won't know what exactly it was, or what the context of his tweet was.

As for me, I saw them tonight at Empire and they were loose as hell, joking around, having fun and putting on a great show.
At first I also thought it was a joke in starting over. It did not look good on him or the band for a while, especially when the PA turned back on. It has the look of douchey/divaesque; however, they won me over with the performance.
I deliberately avoided their set as I cannot stand them and hearing that just makes me like them even less. I don't care who's fault, if any, that it was. To pull a stunt like that is just a diva bullshit move on his part. Like the OP stated you have had almost an entire year to plan out and coordinate what you want with the crew.
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