Painful Loss - Melodic InstruMetal


Metal Dale
Feb 15, 2002
Fredericton, Canada
Painful Loss is a one-man project that was formed during the downtime from my main band, Fear Absolute. The music of Painful Loss is completely instrumental, and based heavily on melody. I wanted to create music that was relatively simple, catchy and memorable. I originally recorded four tunes on a friend's Boss 8-track machine back in the Fall of '01. Then the songs were put on the shelf until I had a good enough computer to run Cakewalk's Sonar recording software...These tunes are ROUGH DEMOS, please be aware of that. In the next few months, I will continue to tweak these recordings, and add real, live drums that follow the guitar patterns. For now, I must settle for the drum machine/sterility of the equipment I have at my disposal right now.

Formed in the Fall of 2001 by Dale Lyons, as a side project during my downtime with my main band, Fear Absolute. The absence of vocals is intentional. As I write the lyrics for my band FA, and sing them as well, I decided to write music that was just that - MUSIC. No words. Just music. I have been playing guitar and writing music for about twelve years now with various bands and musicians. My main focus is Fear Absolute. We have a CD out, and we are about to release another. We recently signed to a small indie label out of Halifax, Canada called Discorporate Music. With FA, I write the music with our drummer Dan Rogers, who is a phenominal talent and the best thing to happen to my music in years. But with Painful Loss, I wanted to write music for me, without input from anyone but myself. It has been quite liberating, and has made my love for FA even stronger. I have been involved in many demo recordings over the years, usually with me acting as 'engineer' - moving mic's, setting up stands, helping to get sounds, etc., but these recordings are my first where I have done everything. Fear Absolute's Producer/Engineer Greg Selwah has been the person I have learned the most from in my life. If it wasn't for him, I highly doubt I would have the knowledge to even attempt recording songs all on my own. Recording at home on my own time when inspiration hits me has given my playing a real boost, and it's been great to see that I can write & record some fantastic music all by myself. Enjoy!

Dale Lyons
Painful Loss