I have 2 rhitm guitars tracks panned hard L & R and and 2 guitar tracks paned 80 L & R (this sound good 2 my ears).
The Solo guitar dubled and panned about 20-25 L & R . When there is no vocal on the song part, i'l go with the solo track in the midle.
Bass in the midle as kick drumm and snare.
Sometime i use double tracked vocal (on one reverse technique with reverb) and panning this tracks 10 L & R. Most of the time the vocal tracks are right in the midle, no panning.
And here is my novice questions:what's with the big space left empty in panning chart? Between 25-75 L and 25-75R. There's a big hole in the chart. It's normal, this should be empty?
And the main question: if i go with a keyboard (piano or strings) how should i pann the track?
If u dont agred with my panning settings i accept constructive criticism or tips. and sorry 4 my bad english. :Smokedev:
The Solo guitar dubled and panned about 20-25 L & R . When there is no vocal on the song part, i'l go with the solo track in the midle.
Bass in the midle as kick drumm and snare.
Sometime i use double tracked vocal (on one reverse technique with reverb) and panning this tracks 10 L & R. Most of the time the vocal tracks are right in the midle, no panning.
And here is my novice questions:what's with the big space left empty in panning chart? Between 25-75 L and 25-75R. There's a big hole in the chart. It's normal, this should be empty?

And the main question: if i go with a keyboard (piano or strings) how should i pann the track?
If u dont agred with my panning settings i accept constructive criticism or tips. and sorry 4 my bad english. :Smokedev: