Pantera's forgotten queer past


Apr 17, 2005
After "Cowboys From Hell," Pantera did their best to hide the record of their three earlier self-produced hair metal albums, on which they pranced around in lipstick, hairspray, latex and (frequently) women's clothing including underwear. Most people in Dallas thought they were completely retarded for this behavior. After hearing some Exhorder, and Prong, and Metallica, new frontman Phil Anselmo -- who admits he is bisexual and uses heroin regularly -- updated the Pantera sound to be rougher and, in keeping with that image, they had to ditch the hairnets and facial cream. However, you can still hear overtones of their forgotten past in their later music. Knowing that these pictures and sounds would ruin Pantera's carefully crafted "toughguy" image, their record company has bought up any copies of these records they could find and sued anyone caught selling them.

i have a question about pantera
why the fucking hell is it that everyone who was anywhere in the dallas/ft worth metroplex at any time before pantera became nationally famous totally completely swears that they "personally" knew pantera before they were famous???
pantera couldn't have possibly been "hanging out" with the entire dallas ft worth metroplex!!!
infoterror said:
After "Cowboys From Hell," Pantera did their best to hide the record of their three earlier self-produced hair metal albums, on which they pranced around in lipstick, hairspray, latex and (frequently) women's clothing including underwear. Most people in Dallas thought they were completely retarded for this behavior. After hearing some Exhorder, and Prong, and Metallica, new frontman Phil Anselmo -- who admits he is bisexual and uses heroin regularly -- updated the Pantera sound to be rougher and, in keeping with that image, they had to ditch the hairnets and facial cream. However, you can still hear overtones of their forgotten past in their later music. Knowing that these pictures and sounds would ruin Pantera's carefully crafted "toughguy" image, their record company has bought up any copies of these records they could find and sued anyone caught selling them. The CD you're about to hear, I am the Night, was the peak of Pantera's hair metal era. When you listen to their more recent albums from this point on, you'll find yourself wondering if they really changed... or just got better at hiding the queerness.


Great photo... :lol:
Huh...I always knew that there was something funny about Phil!!!! ...really for it girls intuition.....hahahaha...great pic too. :lol:
Hahaha...well pantera is Panther in spanish...funny it really sounds like an 80's band name....:lol:
Still they were pretty awesome....aside for the great photo here..hahaha
Why the fucking hell is it that everyone who was anywhere in the dallas/ft worth metroplex at any time before pantera became nationally famous totally completely swears that they "personally" knew pantera before they were famous???
pantera couldn't have possibly been "hanging out" with the entire dallas ft worth metroplex!!!

Hmm guy was a roadie for them along time ago..he went to Dimebags house once or twice.
I got to see Pantera for the 1st and last time at Ozzy Fest 2000. Phil was aaaaaaall fucked up, at least he managed to perform well and not fall over. But between songs he was a little wobby and his speak was like "Hey adfjfdjkloiuenlkepoiodkpkpoookjdknmfd...fuck yea!!" I couldn't understand him. Hahahaha:lol:
metal_monkey said:
Hmm guy was a roadie for them along time ago..he went to Dimebags house once or twice.
I got to see Pantera for the 1st and last time at Ozzy Fest 2000. Phil was aaaaaaall fucked up, at least he managed to perform well and not fall over. But between songs he was a little wobby and his speak was like "Hey adfjfdjkloiuenlkepoiodkpkpoookjdknmfd...fuck yea!!" I couldn't understand him. Hahahaha:lol:
i used to spend a lot of time hanging out with some guys that constantly carry around a lot of home pix of pantera in people's living rooms with some couches that i've had sex on in the backgrounds of the pix
so what who cares about what they look like then and now ... main thing is that their music's pretty descent and that's what counts ... and if it really sounds heavy then maybe they have become real heavy and its not just a show ...

Albums like "Metal Magic" and "Projects in the Jungle" are fucking awesome.

"Dana na na na, Heavy Metal RULES"
They didn't hide it very well, considering anyone that's not an idiot or completely new to Metal knows about it.

Also, when did Phil Anselmo admit to being bisexual?
shit look how cool diamond darrel looked backed then!

he looked liked all he had to eat back then was pussy, and he didnt have a gay racoon growing on his face.