Panthymonium question

If you're talking about the first full-length, Dawn of Dreams, then you would be correct in that the songs are all untitled. If you're talking about the 2nd full-length, Khaooohs, then you're in trouble, because they all have track names.

You're in luck, however, because Dan e-mailed me the list of titles for Dawn of Dreams, so I guess I'll post it here for everyone's enjoyment.

1. Raagoonshinaah
2. Untitled
3. Untitled
4. IV
5. Klieiage
6. Amaraah
7. Ekkhoeece II
Well, atleast now I can say 'Raagoonshinaah' is one of my favourite songs ever. :) Hope no-one asks me this at a party or anything, I'm going to get some strange looks! (if I can even manage to say it :err: ). So, does that word mean anything, or is it really as made-up as it looks??
I already knew the name of this very first track... Remember, Dan when you said on your website "Raagoonshinaah is a 20 minutes nostalgia-orgasm for me" ?

Appart from this nostalgia aspect, that I, of course, cannot feel, I just think this song is a mere masterpiece... So strange, and yet so rich... The fact is when the song ends, I just find myself in a strange meditating state... You know, this knid of "special mood" you feel whenever you listen to incredible stuff... I know PTM is knida weird, but I just... "Feel at home " with this musical-universe... So, well... Thanks.