Panzer Magazine seeking e team members


The Metal Wizard
Dec 28, 2004
Hell, MI
Panzer Magazine Online is currently looking for enthusiastic individuals wishing to join our e team.
You will receive free CDs and other merch as well as concert tickets and exclusive swag. Prerequisites:
You should enjoy talking about bands, music and heavy metal, you must be reliable and you must
like spending time on the Internet. Interested parties must have a high speed Internet connection.
For more information, please write to . Include your contact info, relevant
experience and any applicable skills. You can check out the magazine at .
Right Now we are giving away a copy of the new Scum Of The Earth CD, fronted by Riggs of Rob Zombie
Fame to the first team member that hits 30 verifiable posts, so drop us a line and be a part of the Panzer
Metal madness!