Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I've been listening to this latest release from Paradise Lost since yesterday. To be honest, I haven't given the band a listen before in the past. With that said, I can't get over how much FDUDUU sounds like something Amorphis would put out! How does the rest of the Paradise Lost catalog compare to the new one? Also, has Amorphis been largely influenced by Paradise Lost or is it the other way around?

They're basically contemporaries.

PL's first couple of albums, '89-91, are dark, dank slowish death metal.
Their next couple after that remind me of a more melancholy version of early-90s Metallica. This period includes my personal favorite album by them, Icon. It also includes their most famous/popular album, Draconian Times. These records real treats for those dreary rainy days.
Their late nineties albums were goth-club-dance music.
Their past couple have returned to a heavier metal sound.
Overall, when they're good, they're awesome, so definitely check out some of their other stuff.

PL were one of the 'Peaceville 3' which describes the three bands who pioneered doom/death metal at the turn of the 90s (the other two are My Dying Bride and Anathema). PL are also widely considered the strongest pioneers of gothic metal in general.
That's a band I kinda enjoyed until I saw them live. It was one of the most uninspired performances I've ever seen. It was 100% a disappointment. :(
Huge fan, I love the new album!!

The late 90's/early 2000's stuff (Host-Symbol of Life) is like a heavier version of Depeche Mode... I like it, but it's a bit different from their usual stuff...
I also liked them more once I saw them live. The show was quite incredible, imo.

My favorite disc of theirs is "In Requiem" which was released in 2007. It is easily one of my favorite metal CDs of all time. Top 10, at least.

I haven't heard this newest one, so I can't compare yet.
I'm with mostly everyone else. Liked them more when I saw them. The only thing I didn't like in their live show was the bass player, who I thought was actually headbanging too much and was over the top. But yeah, I've really gotten into them the last year or so. I have Gothic, Draconian Times and the last two releases. I really need to beef up their discography.

As for comparing them to Amorphis. Completely different bands, so that intrigues me how you compare them to each other. The only thing I can see a little bit is the vocals are just a tad bit similar but not really. Musically, not at all. Amorphis is VERY melodic and Paradise Lost isn't at all really.
Have tried to like them but just can't get into it. Too damn sluggish for me. Saw them live in Sweden once. The whole band looked bored stiff the whole show. Not good.
I've given Faith Divides Us... a few spins and I'd say it carries on the sound of In Requiem and Paradise Lost (self titled), so those are probably good albums to check out next. But I also HIGHLY recommend Draconian Times.
But I also HIGHLY recommend Draconian Times.

agreed, Draconian Times is a sick album.

and on the Amorphis question i would have to say the bands are pretty different, especially if you look at their original albums and what they sounded like in the early 90's. even up to Amorphis' masterpiece Elegy (1995) the two bands sound nothing alike. i guess for someone who is new to both of them i could see some comparisions now, but influenced by each other i highly doubt.

either way, both bands are still kicking ass.
I'm with mostly everyone else. Liked them more when I saw them. The only thing I didn't like in their live show was the bass player, who I thought was actually headbanging too much and was over the top. But yeah, I've really gotten into them the last year or so. I have Gothic, Draconian Times and the last two releases. I really need to beef up their discography.

As for comparing them to Amorphis. Completely different bands, so that intrigues me how you compare them to each other. The only thing I can see a little bit is the vocals are just a tad bit similar but not really. Musically, not at all. Amorphis is VERY melodic and Paradise Lost isn't at all really.

agreed, Draconian Times is a sick album.

and on the Amorphis question i would have to say the bands are pretty different, especially if you look at their original albums and what they sounded like in the early 90's. even up to Amorphis' masterpiece Elegy (1995) the two bands sound nothing alike. i guess for someone who is new to both of them i could see some comparisions now, but influenced by each other i highly doubt.

either way, both bands are still kicking ass.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear, I don't know. I'm more or less basing my Amorphis comparison on the latest Paradise Lost release. I believe the both of you are speaking about Paradise's entire catalog. It's all a matter of opinion of course, but I'm hearing a big comparison between the last two Amorphis albums and the latest Paradise Lost album. With that said, it's nothing worth arguing over, but I definitely hear similarities.

You should probably check out Symbol Of Life. Their earlier albums are more death metal oriented, but they are very innovative for their time. Gothic is a classic, although you may not like it. Definitely check out Symbol Of Life; it's one of their "poppier" albums, but I love it.
Am I alone in thinking Draconian Times is wall-to-wall boredom?

I know it was marketed as the album Metallica fans wanted Load/Re-Load to be and didn't get, but wasn't every song on there completely uninspired?

It was my first purchase of theirs ( A buck used) and I never regretted the purchase. I still think it is a great album.

I haven't picked up any of theirs since One Second, tho.
Haven't heard it yet, but the rest of their catalog varies quite a lot indeed. I had a girlfriend who liked their early stuff, but it just didn't do it for me. Then I heard One Second and have been a fan since. Definitely sample a few songs from each era at least.

As for live, well, I could hardly see them over all the Nightwish fans and their setlist was rather doomy. I enjoyed it for the most part, but I would've chosen a more up-tempo setlist myself.
Am I alone in thinking Draconian Times is wall-to-wall boredom?

I know it was marketed as the album Metallica fans wanted Load/Re-Load to be and didn't get, but wasn't every song on there completely uninspired?

you might be alone. i personally love Draconian Times. i think it's still their catchiest album, except maybe some stuff on One Second.