Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us

The new Amorphis reminds me a lot more of Paradise Lost than PL ever reminded me of Amorphis. In a good way, though; I love both bands. Shades of God, Icon, and Draconian Times are brilliant; I can live without the rest, except for "One Second" - the title song is the only thing worth it on the entire disc (and one of their best songs in general.)
I've been a PL fan for a long time, got into them with Draconian Times, which is a really good album. My fave is definitely by far One Second. I may be in the minority here, but I love industrial and that type of thing, so when they went the whole Depeche Mode route I loved it. I like the newer doomy stuff too, but miss the hooks of the dance-y stuff. If they could do
Draconian Times is an amazing album. I like One Second as well, it is a completely different sound though.
I've been a PL fan for a long time, got into them with Draconian Times
Haha I totally feel old now because I still consider Draconian Times one of their "new school" albums.

And I'm surprsised at how much love One Second is getting. I love the first two tracks, but the rest of the album is totally unmemorable to me. I'll give it another shot and see if anything clicks.
Thank you! Someone else that hears the correlation.


I get the comparison. The bands have totally different sounds, but still there's a vibe that both bands share. Maybe it's just that they both started as more aggressive bands and moved into catchier territory before coming (close) to full circle. (Amorphis: Karelian Isthmus > Am Universum > Eclipse) (Paradise Lost: Lost Paradise > One Second > Faith Divides Us...)
Am I alone in thinking Draconian Times is wall-to-wall boredom?

I know it was marketed as the album Metallica fans wanted Load/Re-Load to be and didn't get, but wasn't every song on there completely uninspired?

Yes, I think you are. That album was so damn good I bought it twice. And when I caught them live (supporting Opeth I believe) they were incredible.
Draconian Times is in my top 25 of all-time. Perfect from beginning to end. I have everything from PL, one of the best of the genre - the latest is a great album, has Icon era feel but with modern production and downtuned weightiness...
I've been listening to this latest release from Paradise Lost since yesterday. To be honest, I haven't given the band a listen before in the past. With that said, I can't get over how much FDUDUU sounds like something Amorphis would put out! How does the rest of the Paradise Lost catalog compare to the new one? Also, has Amorphis been largely influenced by Paradise Lost or is it the other way around?


As far as I know, neither band has been particularly influenced by the other, and in the mid 90's, I never made any connection between them, but when Tuonela was released in 1999, I immediately heard some similarities in guitar tone and vibe to what Paradise Lost were doing on Icon or Draconian Times, but had since moved away from (and have more recently moved back towards). That said, I still feel there is only some similarity in vibe, I don't consider them very similar bands in terms of overall style.
Am I alone in thinking Draconian Times is wall-to-wall boredom?
Based on this thread so far, it would seem so.
I know it was marketed as the album Metallica fans wanted Load/Re-Load to be and didn't get,
I don't recall any such marketing at the time. Also, considering that Draconian Times was released in 1995, whereas Load and Reload were released in 1996 and 1997, it's tough to see how it was marketed in that fashion.
but wasn't every song on there completely uninspired?
This seems like a bizarre thing to phrase as a question... if you think it's uninspired, then that's what you think... why do you need validation?
I picked up Host, Believe In Nothing, and their Live DVD over the weekend at the Disc Exchange in Knoxville. Eventhough Host and Believe In Nothing aren't what I normally listen to, I do like the cold sounding, Euro/goth dance vibe going on.

Eventhough, I really like Faith Divides Us, I've discoverd that In Requium is even better. Overall, a great band in my opinion, that I've been missing out on for years. :kickass:
