Paranormal investigation tomorrow


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
This could possibly explain some of the weird shite we have seen around here over the years:

I randomly stumbled across a rumor of this place this while searching the web for cryptozoology-related articles.
It's been dubbed "The Californian Mystery Zone"...located right between Lakeport and Hopland....which is eerily close to where I live. It's creepy that I've lived here for over 20 years, but I never heard of it.

Many weird experiences are noted in that article, including disappearances, vanishing vehicles (most likely MIB-related), and a 30 mile zone of fear emanating from the area. :Spin:
It could be a crock o' shite, but I've seen enough paranormal phenomena in my I'm willing to believe this guy.

We're heading to Santa Rosa tomorrow, and we'll be passing through Hopland...I figure we might as well attempt a drive by.

However, I am really scared about this....which is pretty abnormal for me. We're planning on driving near it, but I'm not going to put myself in danger.

Oh yeah, If I don't come back, you know where to go find me :p
You bet your boots.....Hopefully my camera will work when I need it to! :)
You know, while I haven't experienced any weird shit on Hopland, myself and MANY other people have experienced VERY weird shit on the Lakeport side of Cow Mt., which you could basically include within the range of these mountains that are in between Lakeport and Ukiah/Hopland.
My friend and I were camping with a couple other people, and were going to meet a friend on the Lakeport side of Cow Mt. in the creek bed. My friend and I were at the Red Mt. campground. It took us about 20 minutes to get there, and he still hadn't arrived yet, so we drove around in the creek bed a little bit to see if we could find him. He wasn't there, so we went back to the main cul de sac that's at the very beginning of the main trail between Ukiah and Lakeport and we sat there. My friend was pretty drunk, but I wasn't. In any case, I turned off my truck and shut off my lights. No sooner I shut off my lights, we both start to hear what sounds like something being dragged through the brush or the trees. But, it sounded like it was RIGHT next to my truck. In fact, at one point it sounded like something actually brushed up and scraped against my truck bed. However, that doesn't make any sense because I had parked in the clearing and there wasn't any vegetation at all within at least a 25 foot perimeter. And this sounded like it was 2 feet away from us. At this point we both start freaking the hell out and get the hell out of there.
Our friend that we were waiting for? Apparently he was waiting for us in the creek bed. He says that while he was waiting there, he swears that something drug along his truck as well, scraping against it. How the hell does that happen? He was in a creek bed. It was nothing but rock, sand, and gravel for hundreds of feet on any side.

So just this past weekend, I go camping near Fort Bragg and this same friend that I was with decides to come visit. While we are going to the campground returning from Mendocino, he brings up the subject of that whole ordeal that him and I went through. He then tells me that a guy we both know, was kicked out of his apartment for a little while and had no place to go, so he'd decided to spend the night out at cow mt, near the same place we had experienced this. Without my friend ever having previously talked to this guy about what happened to us that night there, the guy says "Yeah man it was really weird. I swear that I heard like, something being dragged around right outside my truck."

I'm not sure what to think of it personally. For years I'd heard the "legend of the Cow Mt. monster", and I'm not saying I believe in it, but there is definitely some bizarre shit going on out there at night. This isn't the first time, by far, that I've heard about weird and scary shit going on out at Cow Mt. at night time. And after having experienced something that creeped me out that I can't explain or make sense of, I'm not calling out anything as real or fake.

Maybe the reason I've never experienced anything weird over the Hopland grade is because I'm always seeing how fast I can get over it. :lol:
That drive is funner than shit if you have a car that can take the corners tight.
but the DFW metroplex was semi-recently officially named as having more "ghost hunters" that anywhere else in the USA
PS I lived in Lakeport all my life up until last summer and I've never heard of this "mystery zone" on Hopland previous to today.
that was a creepy story kellan...sounds like an awesome place! have fun lesa and be safe! and yus, we demand pictars!
We have shit out here like that on one of the mountains. It used to be a huge mining mountain for various things, but its all abandoned now. But yeah, one of the mines had a collapse about 100 years ago, and a bunch of people died. When you go to the shaft leading into the collapsed mine it sounds like people are down there working and singing and such. I find it amusing and think that someone doesn't have a life and just put a tape player or something in there and changes the battery every once in a while. But hey, ya never know.
Eeek! Creepy stories, Kellan and Eric!

BTW, we didn't vanish into thin air on the Old toll road (lol).
We did, however, interrupt a drug deal that was taking place near the entrance of the road (at least that's what we think it was) and we passed a car that was completely destroyed/covered in axe marks (especially in the windows..I guess they traded some bad coke or somthing :p ). We ended up following one of the suspected drug peddlers in their little red car, and they increasingly acted more paranoid (speeding away from us, stopping on the side, speeding away again, slowing down). I'm fairly certain they were headed to a pot garden. We then stumbled across a 'recreation area' and decided to check it out...which was a good idea because we wanted to put some distance between us and the red car.
This was possibly one of the creepiest/shoddiest campgrounds I've ever been in...unmonitered, trashy and abandoned. Fuck. Knowing where I was, I was afraid to get out of the car :p

On the way out, we almost ran over several was a fat gopher snake feigning to be a rattlesnake. It was over 4 feet long and full of rodent, and we both took turns grabbing it's tail...and it proceeded to rattle its tail and so on...cute :Spin:
I would have picked it up, but it just ate and sometimes snakes vomit up their food if they feel threatened...I didn't want that :erk:

As a final note, I think we may have taken the wrong road...the road we were looking for was the "old pieta toll road" and the only one we could find was the "old toll road"..
After another inspection on mapquest, I found a nearby "pieta road"...which we're going to investigate soon....along with the famed "Bohemian Grove"....home to rituals of the Illuminati (I read that they have gatherings during June and July...heeheehee). there any way you could tell me where the creek bed is? We tried finding it after we got back from Hopland, and we were unsuccessful. It was about 11pm, and we did find the Red Mountain campground, but we couldn't find the fucking creek....we sat around in a car for awhile, too...and we didn't hear anything (but we did see some strange lights).

Sigh...I need some sleep....did I mention that I'm afraid of that now? :p
OH...I do have photos.

But alas, they are of pretty landscapes, trees, and snakes......

You were nowhere near the creekbed, really. Red Mountain is on the Ukiah side of the Cow Mountain Rec Area. You have to drive east, in your case, on the main trail connecting what is basically Talmage and the outskirts of Lakeport, which you were on in the first place. But you'd be driving from absolutely one beginning of the trail to the "end" of the trail (which is also a beginning for the Lakeport side). If you weren't in a truck I wouldn't suggest doing it at all. Some people do it in cars though.

"Old Toll Pieta Road" sorta rings a bell but I can't quite remember where it's at. It might be somewhere on hopland in the mountain. Old Toll Road is a dirt road that connects the end of Hopland (where I'm sure you got onto it) to Highland Springs (which is south east of Lakeport, southwest of Kelseyville). It used to be the access road between the two before they put 175 in, a long time ago.

If you want more elaborative directions on how to get to the creekbed, let me know.
regardless of the lack of spookies, all the creepy goings on sound like they were fun/amusing. way to hunt down drug dealers and take a bite out of crime! hahah

and wtf at all the troll roads. there should seriously be a Trollhammeren road there or something...
PS it'll take you a good half hour to get from one side to the other, as well. Sometimes even longer. During the day there's a lot of dust on the trail and tons of people on dirtbikes/atv's so that can slow things down. My friends and I would drive pretty fast over the trail so it would only take us half an hour or so. But the times where I've had to go somewhat slow, it would take quite some time. If you just want to bypass the trail, just drive to on 20 over to 29, get off at the park way exit and get onto hill road east, drive down that, go left at the stop signs, at the sharp left hand turn take a right onto riggs road/scotts creek road, follow that for about 3 minutes, you'll kinda sneak up on the scotts creek road turnoff which is a pretty sharp right hand turn with a downhill; then you just follow that all the way out to the creekbed. Like I said, I used to live about 5 minutes from there :lol:
and yeah, you undoubtedly interrupted a drug deal. sounds like meth-heads from the way they were acting. and supposedly Clearlake (across the Lake from Lakeport) is the meth production caplital of California. though Lakeport isn't far behind. Nor is Eureka for that matter :rolleyes: