Part Camel, Part Ox. Camelox. Kamelox.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
So... lyrics that spin me out at the moment.

Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Blahblahgothgoth

Great album musically, thrash, with a little bit of black in there for atmosphere. The lyrics have really stepped up from the trash they were doing a while ago.

I really don't understand this song at all lyrically, but on the strength of my convictions in other, un-named threads (*cough*), i shall do my best, or at least admire the pretty words.

Kings of the carnival creation, next to mourning palace, is one of my favourite dummy burger songs, and the lyrics are part of it. Hence this thread.

Incarnated marvels simplified
Effects from such a disconsolate kind
Impotence of the once so perfect living
Erase and rewind

Very interesting introduction to the song. "Incarnated marvels simplified, Effects from such a disconsolate kind" in itself is worthy of a thread all on it's own. Disconsolate meaning "unhappy", the second half of the line could be read like this "Caused by unhappiness" or "Caused by unhappy people". Incarnated marvels simplified is a tough one. What i beleive is meant by this is that an "Incarnated Marvel" is something that is created with the intention of it being perceived as much more complex that it is. The two lines together mean that something that someone (say the government) has complexified, has been simplifed by the unhappiness that it has caused. Again, not sure exactly what is being referred to here, could be the way the goverment perceives drugs, could be how the mainstream veiws metal, or agnosticism etc.

Stand rigid for the next battle
Peace means reloading your guns
The love for life is all hatred in disguise
A carnival creation with masks undone

I love these lines, they are most probably the most favourite of mine in the song. "Peace means reloading your guns" reminds me of old megadeth lyrics a HELL of a lot. It's so mustaine-sarcasm-esque. It's pretty self explanatory, it leads me to beleive that the song is a stab at the government, maybe at america's trigger happy attitude. Because all in all, it is pretty sadly ironic that in the quest of peace, "we" have always resorted to war... It reminds me of the line from Megadeth's "Set the world afire" i think it is, the one about "Einstien said we'd use rocks on the other side" meaning that by the third world war, we would have blown ourselves back to the darkages, and would have to fight with rocks alone... quite brilliant actually. "The love for life" section is just a play on this... that the search for peace through war is just a farce, that this "love for life" is really just a mask for the trigger happiness that most of the world adopts in a crisis or tough situation. "A carnival creation with masks undone" ties it into the first paragraph of the song, that war (The incarnated marvel) is not as complex as the world and the many goverments make it out to be. It is senseless bloodshed, and the search for power, simple as that, nothing more.

In search for the guidelines to the gateways of sin
through mires of misanthropy with wrath in mind
Sophistication as cruelty and perfection as virulent truth
Confidently dawned, to pick the best of enemies
An abyss womb stretched wide open, exposed to retaliate

Now this is where it gets really difficult to really decipher. "In search for the guidlines to the gateways of sin" is another mustaine-esque stab at the leaders of the world, in that they are doing their best to commit the biggest sin, genocide, whole races and countries destroyed (Later on in the album, not sure what song, there is a line "Total death in every nation" which is reffering to this paragraph in particular). "Through mires of misanthropy with wrath in mind" Is saying that the world has become a socially retarded, misanthropic place where everyone hates someone, and someone hates everyone, and that the higher powers don't care, they only have their wrath in mind, their petty revenge (aka saddamn's war on america for killing his childern, and every single fucking thing that america does, goddamn vengeful and hateful leader is bush. The road to destruction is lined with BUSHes). "Confidently dawned to pick the best of enemies" is pretty self explanatory, it's like saying that the strongest will always win, the one with the biggest weapons are the countries that will fight. America will ALWAYS be part of any war on this planet, as they are the self proclaimed "Most powerful nation in the world".

With the stigma feasting upon your flesh I wish you well
Thorns from the fountains of fate licking lepered skin
Worshipped by anyone's mass on our planet hell
What on earth possessed you

In all seriousness this paragraph is too confusing for me to even start deciphering. "With the stigma feasting upon your flesh i wish you well" is more megadeth style sarcasm, saying "If you have shame, then you've got no hope, and you'll need all the prayers/wishes you can get to survive in this world"

"Thorns from the fountains of fate licking lepered skin" is a cool line, but not really sure where it ties in... maybe it is referring to how leprosy was veiwed by the world years and years ago, in that it was a "Punishment" that it was "Fate for these bad people", just like the Aids virus was veiwed in our society in the early eighties... in that it was a punishment for being a homosexual. I beleive that this may also turn the whole thing around to be something about higher class people, in their shunning of the problems of "lower" society. Hence the reference to leprosy.

Worshipped by anyone's mass on our planet hell is an obvious stab at religion... that any man or his dog can now say "I am a prophet" and there will be a mile long line of people rushing up to him for saviour, and a blessing "By the lord". "What on earth possessed you?" is a stab at the people who FOLLOW these crazy religious types, saying "how fucking blind are you!?".

Consuming illusions made from hysteria and swallowed tongues
Devoured by doubt, conducting arts of misconception
Testimonial sufficiency declaring numbness of all perceptions

This paragraph was my sig for a while back, it's just sooooo cool sounding. "Consuming illusions made from hysteria and swallowed tongues" is almost like a reference to the media, in that one person hypes on thing up, and a thousand other people "Swallow their tongues" and it becomes a media driven epidemic of fear to mass proportions. "Devoured by doubt, conducting arts of misconception" is the same thing, either a reference to highger powers or the media, that they are creating falsities to cause hysteria, hence causing a greater following for themselves and their sick cause. "testimonial sufficiency" means "A tombstone to adequecy", in that the truth is dead, and is only a testament, and "declaring numbness of all perceptions" is pretty obvious. Swallowing the lies that the media/goverment feeds you will numb your veiws, numb your perspective... all in all, it is a very "Nevermore" style paragraph, around the era of S/T or Politics.

Glance into the blackness hidden beneath your surface
And enjoy the suffering, sanity drained in disrespect
With such bedevilled faith in good, subsequently trusting evil
Next step for mankind will be the last seasons in sin

The clean sung part...! Very cool, i don't like his voice, but it really works in the context of Dimmu's music. "Glance in the blackness... etc" is telling the listener to look into their black, cold hearts, and realize that you have created, and become comfortable with the sorry state of mind that you are in, that you create your own pessimism... and yet such people (the church, government, media etc) have a faith in "good" (or beleif in god, as in the american president being a religious fuck), and yet the medium through which they work is evil, and they base their life and trust on it.

"The next step for manking will be the last seasons in sin" Do i need to spell EVERY goddamn line out to you? Bleak pessimist at it's peak. Man will send himself back the the darkages... and will have to fight with sticks and rocks.

Left are the kings of the carnival creation
Carrying out the echoes of the fallen

Kindof like an overveiw of what has been said earlier.. in that the "Kings of the carnival creation" (The leaders of this crazy, business driver world... or the media, on which the mindless fools submit to) are left as a hollow shell themselves, that they are only carrying out the wishes of previous powerslaves and fools, that they themselves have no more opinion, or rights that the people that slave below them to the media, or to their every religious word.

Sense the withering eternity as it fades away
The ultimate graceless voyage of all times
Only death will be guarding your angels, silently
Cripples joining arms in clamour
Institutionalized for the rebirth, the herd will be hunted

"Sense the withering eternity as it fades away" is more abrupt sarcasm, saying that the human race will only realize it's faults when it is too late, when their lives are fading away. "Institutionalized for the rebirth... etc" is a great line, saying that the leaders of today will one day be institutionalized, or put in an old folkes home, and they will actually become part of the people that they once commanded, and will be forced mindlessly to slave to the raterace leaders we call religion, goverment, the media, and the mainstream.

What do you think?
awesome Trapped!

I've always really liked that song, because of both the music and the lyrics.. but I've never analyzed them that closely, probably because I was worried I'd come to the realization that it was just all crap, ha! But your take on it is really good, it makes sense. And with your explanation in mind, I think I like the song even better now :grin:
it took me a while to finally get around to reading it after I first saw it, I have a tendency to get bored and lose interest in insanely long posts... probably just like all the others here :lol:
Ah well, at least one person read it... thanks dude. :)

I was thinking of analyzing more of their lyrics from this album... but now i'm not too keen, the lack of response does wonders for ones self confidence. :lol: