part two (mine)


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
and finally, the entrance to the mine, further up the hill. "DANGER!" yay. :) and it looks like a cartoon.



creepy realistic mannequin. it was propped by the door when we arrrived. she can ride tricycles. just kidding. that's really me, but i really do look like a creepy doll or something.


inside the mine, but i was not itchy. i know i look itchy though. i promise i wasn't.


we came across an ICED MUMMIFIED BAT hanging in the mine, upside down. it didn't seem to be breathing. the dialogue was as follows.

mia: it looks dead. haha mummy bat! it's a mummy!
toby: it has ice crystals on it. LET'S TAKE IT.

he blew on it, and it rustled. i didn't want rabies, because in elementary school i learned that if you contract rabies, then your jaw becomes paralyzed, causing you to salivate uncontrollably. also, they stab a needle in your STOMACH and inject some rabies-killing formula. so i backed away. but he was inexplicable happy. i admit it was a cute lovely upsidedown rabified bat though.



that bat... it sort of looks like the back of my father's head.

toby thought he heard noises coming from near the entrance of the mine. weird humanish whispers/conversation/moaning of some sort. i really liked that he was getting paranoid. it makes me happy when people are scared, i don't know why. i thought the inside of the mine was warm, and i was so happy.


and LOOK! i am an orange mica VAMPIRESS in a MINE. i thrive off eating mica and rabified BATS.


further up the hill is THIS CRAZY GREEN ECTO-SWAMP! LOOK HOW GREEN THIS SWAMP/POND/LAKE IS. hello huge tentacle appearing out of DISTURBINGLY GREEN water! this REALLY GREEN WATER was surrounded by rocky scenery.


further yet, up the hill is this is the HAUNTED HANGAR/STABLE.


the haunted stable/hangar is the last landmark on the hill. further up the hill that it lives on, is the perfect place to sit and smoke a cigarette. it overlooks the entire city.



thank you toby, for showing me your abandoned mine!! :)

FIN. <3
This is also totally relevant to this board because we used a photo I took of the DANGER door on the promo postcard for Bath/LYBM, and the hangar at the top of the hill is what appears on the motW sticker!

Anyway, I was just walking home from work and got really scared because I remembered the following:

When we were in the mine cavern, I heard some chthonic whispers coming from the mine entrance. I quickly spun around to look, and then we decided to stay as still and quiet as possible to see if we could hear anything more.

Now, when we stayed still, I am prtty sure I turned my light off. But I am suddenly remembering that the mine did NOT GO DARK. It stayed illuminated in the mine, even with the lights off. Mia, did it not?? Or am I imagining this???

I'm seriously having like, hindsight fear!!!
Originally posted by FuSoYa

Now, when we stayed still, I am prtty sure I turned my light off. But I am suddenly remembering that the mine did NOT GO DARK. It stayed illuminated in the mine, even with the lights off. Mia, did it not?? Or am I imagining this???

I'm seriously having like, hindsight fear!!!


i had MY flashlight on, dummy! :)