Passarola Rising -- thread discussion for those into novels

Ali, do you have access to that article about flying carpets that is mentioned in the Melbourne news link you posted? Sounds like its more at my pace than this novel.
:lol: sounds good! I'm gonna ask my mom about this book. She's a librarian, and seems to know every book ever written, though I'm sure in fact there are two or three that have slipped through the cracks!
JayKeeley said:
Cool man! When I finish it we can discuss. I'll pass on your words.

Not sure if you read that Age article but he wrote a short story about the mechanics behind the flying carpet from "Arabian Nights". Apparently he wrote it in such a way that some people thought it was a viable explanation -- you know, in the same way he describes the vacuum copper spheres lifting the ship. Anyway, apparently after reading the story, there were groups of people in Iran actually questioning whether flying carpets really existed.

Then he was accused of being a hoax. :tickled:
hahaha no wonder Rushdie is taking him under his wing. :loco:
Demilich said:
Then I'll get her to order it for the library she works at, infinitely increasing your cousin's fame for sure! :loco:

Haha, well if he makes it big then I hope he gives me some $$. :loco:

OK guys, here's a yousendit to the "flying carpet" thesis. It's only 6 pages and was published in an Australian journal -- it's about to be re-published in some American journal, don't know the name yet. Probably some writers magazine.

It's a PDF (so you need Adobe Acrobat) of photocopied pages of the book. The online version is only excerpts, where this is the full article.