Pasting tom hits in protools...


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Is there a way to have like 5-6 different velocity tom samples hits and use tab to transient and be able to paste different hits each time without having to go back and select a new sample each time? IS there a some what quick way in Protools? Maybe like some hot keys or something were you can copy like 5 samples and just be able to hit different key and each would have a different velocity sample and it would paste it there.

Maybe I'm just asking to much from protools but man i would rather do this some times than use drumagog sometimes!
I've wondered the exact same thing! I've used apTrigga to do it in the past, but I agree with you that I kind of like hand choosing the samples sometimes. One thing you can do is display the region list on the right side of the screen, and have all your tom samples labeled in a way so that you know which velocities are which...then drag the sample you want from the region list onto the sample track. I don't know if you can copy the file from the region list and then paste it into the track, but if you can, then that would probably work perfectly!
One thing you can do is display the region list on the right side of the screen, and have all your tom samples labeled in a way so that you know which velocities are which...then drag the sample you want from the region list onto the sample track. I don't know if you can copy the file from the region list and then paste it into the track, but if you can, then that would probably work perfectly!

Yea the only thing is if you have a lot of tracks and regions it could be tough. Arron Your way is definitely quicker then how i was trying to do it though. There has to to be some sneaky way to do something like this though man. I spend so much time with drumagog getting the tracks to trigger just right i could have built my own tom tracks and have them the way i want them sounding.
I can't think of a quick way that you can do this... but maybe this would help: Stack all the tom samples on top of each other and select all, then tab to transient and paste as usual, so you end up with 4 or 5 (or however many samples you use) hits for each real tom hit. You can then go through and manually remove the ones you don't want, leaving one hit per tom. This also gives you a good opportunity to audition different velocities for different hits and see which you prefer. Still pretty labour intensive, but you could probably get pretty speed at it with the grabber tool and keyboard shortcuts.