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Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
I've fallen in love with this song these last few days, out of my stepfather's old compilation "power rock" countaining many 70/80/90 rock/early hard rock stuff.

And I can't stop listening to it ! The melodies are totally cheesy-cliché-hardrock-style and that's exactly why I love it !

I want more, do you know her well ? I've never payed any attention to her music so I'm totally discovering her !
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this song always reminds me of [ame=""][/ame]
I played in a cover band my freshman year of college (for 2 credits :grin:) and we covered "Heartbreaker" once. Fun song to play, although our singer was pretty bombed and went way off pitch during the epic "You're the right kind of sinner" part, and I'm convinced the drummer just picked random beats for the toms to come in . Oh well, still a rockin' tune though!
It's funny, cause I discovered I knew two songs from her, this one from a similar compilation (and this video is AWESOME) :


and I knew "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" cause it was in guitar hero II or something.
I always loved "Hell is for Children", both because it's a rockin' song with a great vocal performance, and also because I love imagining that the song is about a special circle of hell for insufferable shrieking little shits that plague retail establishments :D