Pat Lachman to front Alice in Chains?!?!


Jan 11, 2006
I know he did some for them in 2005 for the Hurrican efforts. I hope he does their upcoming European shows. And I really hope that AIC does a tour in the States and hits Atlanta. Seems that they are considering coming to the states after their one show. What was their sound like with Lachman? His voice is so different form Lane Staley...

Maybe they'll even put out a new album. Though I hear it would be under a different name.
Pat's been around for a little while. He played guitar for Halford for his solo project with Metal Mike. He played guitar in the band Diesel Machine. Most recently other than the aic bit, he was the frontman for Damgaeplan, the Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul post Pantera project. I wish Alice in Chains would just realize it's time to give it up. I want Jerry Cantrell to put out another solo CD, I haven't heard anything of a US tour.
I agree AIC should hang it up.

The Cantrell shows I have seen consisted mainly of AIC material anyway, and it rocked. He should just stick with that format. Though it would be cool if he used the remaining AIC members as his band for his solo work, that is about as far as he should take it.

And frankly, the Cantrell shows were largely lacking material from Boggy Depot and Degredation Trip I & II.

I just dont get it. He's got plenty of material to play. Why mess with the AIC name at all? Money I guess...
rockyracoon said:
I agree AIC should hang it up.

The Cantrell shows I have seen consisted mainly of AIC material anyway, and it rocked. He should just stick with that format. Though it would be cool if he used the remaining AIC members as his band for his solo work, that is about as far as he should take it.

Totally agree. When I saw Cantrell live at the Double Door about 4-5 years ago, it was one of the better shows I've seen in a long time. Old AIC is totally classic Hard Rock.

rockyracoon said:
I just dont get it. He's got plenty of material to play. Why mess with the AIC name at all? Money I guess...

Isn't that always the reason? I mean, if Led Zepplin can whore out their music to Cadillac after being one of the biggest money-making acts in music EVER, then I guess AIC's accomplishments fall pretty far in comparison.
If you'd read the announcements of them reforming Alice, you'd see that William DuVall (from Comes With The Fall and also Jerry's touring band) will be handling vocals in the group now. This brings up a couple of things that need to be said:

1) I was, am and always will be a big AiC fan
2) Layne was a great vocalist/frontman, and will be missed
3) Layne did NOT make or break Alice in Chains, Jerry did/does
4) Judging from when I saw DuVall perform with Jerry at his solo shows, he is a great replacement for the position

I understand people being wary of resurrecting the group without Layne, but the fact of the matter is that Jerry was the driving force in the band. Hell, he even did a bunch of the vocals at the time anyway. Personally I can't wait for them to roll around my area, Alice is back!

Just my 2 cents, let the flames begin :)
i have an mp3 that was available for download of the show here in seattle with Pat on vocals, if someone wants to host it. It is actually pretty good. The track is Down in a Hole. if you're interested in hosting, just pm me.
Alice in Chains SHOULD have done this years ago, with or without Layne. I agree that Cantrell is more than capable of doing the material without Layne, but why call it AIC?

AIC had more than enough opportunities to tour with Layne while he was alive. Yet they chose not to. I am 25, and can't ever recall a chance I had to go see AIC, mainly because they never toured. They were at the top of my wishlist until the day he died. So if they are gonna play the AIC material, fine. But leave the name in the past.

That being said, I would definitely go if they stop in Chicago.
rockyracoon said:
AIC had more than enough opportunities to tour with Layne while he was alive. Yet they chose not to.

I don't think they necessarily "chose" anything. On two separate occasions, I had tickets to see AIC (once as a support band for Metallica, once as a headliner) and they bailed both times because of Staley's drug problems (I'm making an assumption here, but it's a pretty valid assumption).
Regardless of who you consider the driving force behind AiC, Lane's voice is what what made that band for me; his intensity, his pain. This is a money grab, plain and simple. Fuck Cantrell.

General Zod said:
Regardless of who you consider the driving force behind AiC, Lane's voice is what what made that band for me; his intensity, his pain. This is a money grab, plain and simple. Fuck Cantrell.


Think what you will, but as someone who heard DuVall sing Alice material live, I can say it sounded spot on. No disrespect to Layne meant, of course.:worship:
I actually agree with Zod about Layne's intensity and pain. And regardless of how good this DuVall guy is, he can't possibly re-create what Layne brought to the table.

Why the hell can't Cantrell just do ALL the leads, he's more than capable. He could just bring in another person to do guitar/background vox. That would make more sense to me. If they are gonna even try and serisously call this AIC, then Cantrell outta at least grow a sac and be the frontman.
rockyracoon said:
I actually agree with Zod about Layne's intensity and pain. And regardless of how good this DuVall guy is, he can't possibly re-create what Layne brought to the table.

Why the hell can't Cantrell just do ALL the leads, he's more than capable. He could just bring in another person to do guitar/background vox. That would make more sense to me. If they are gonna even try and serisously call this AIC, then Cantrell outta at least grow a sac and be the frontman.

Well if I remember correctly from the two times I saw Cantrell live, he did a lot of the vocals himself. Maybe it will be different this time around with DuVall as the dedicated singer instead of being Jerry's backup singer/guitarist. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Jerry handle a decent amount of vocals back in the Layne days anyway? If that's the case I'd imagine he still would even with DuVall at the mic.
I loved AIC. Dirt being one of my all time favorite albums. And Layne one of my favorite vocalists/lyricists. Obviously, Cantrell is a slamming writer and a decent player but for some reason I don't always like his vocals. Am I alone on this? The Unplugged show they did, even though not one of Staleys best performances, there are songs where Jerry 's vocals/harmonies seems to be throwing the whole thing off. He has a much cleaner style and for me doesn't always mix well with Layne's angst ridden delivery. I still love all the music the way it is, as on the albums it seemed to blend better...I dont know...I guess I just miss Layne. :erk:
shaq said:
Well if I remember correctly from the two times I saw Cantrell live, he did a lot of the vocals himself. Maybe it will be different this time around with DuVall as the dedicated singer instead of being Jerry's backup singer/guitarist. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Jerry handle a decent amount of vocals back in the Layne days anyway? If that's the case I'd imagine he still would even with DuVall at the mic.

Jerry was almost a Co-Lead Vocalist on a lot of the songs as they had a lot of harmonic duel vocal-lines going on, between him and Layne.

That said, I will support anything Cantrell does for a new project, but I don't think it should be called AIC. Even if he has Mike Inez and Sean Kinney along, it's not the same.

And To RR, like it was mentioned, Staley bailed on quite a few major gigs at the time because he was too cracked-out to perform. And like you said, they went YEARS without doing anything with him because he was too physically unable to perform. They probably could've done at least another 2 albums if he wasn't in the condition that he was.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Jerry was almost a Co-Lead Vocalist on a lot of the songs as they had a lot of harmonic duel vocal-lines going on, between him and Layne.

Ok yeah that's what I was referring to. I guess whoever is going to support it is already supporting it, and anyone against it is unlikely to change their mind :D
shaq said:
Think what you will, but as someone who heard DuVall sing Alice material live, I can say it sounded spot on.
I have no doubt that there are singers out there who can recreate what Lane did. After all, Lane wasn't about dramatic vocal ability, ala Geoff Tate. With Lane, is was mostly a style thing. A style, which has propbably been the most aped style of the last 15 years. So, who they get and/or how well the vocals are done is irrelevant. AiC ended with Lane's untimely passing.

I have never gotten too see any AIC material. I missed it every chance I had. So, regardless of how it is put together I would go. I would also love to see Cantrell's solo work. It is amazing too.