paul bostaph


New Metal Member
Oct 14, 2008
I would like to ask fans of testament and drummers at the same time if there are some how to play the bass drum like in around 1:28 in this video when Paul Bostaph plays the skank/thrash beat?

I am interested mainly in the fact that his whole leg is moving quite high up. Does anybody here also play like that? What is the position of the foot on the footboard, beater angle and the angle of foot to the floor?

Hopefully the question is not overly stupid or trivial. I am really interested how to play like that.

Thanx a lot
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Back when ska was the next big thing for a few months before people got really bored with it.. i saw this girl doing the same move over and over and over and over at a metal fest to every band. Think I asked the person I was with wtf that was all about and got informed it was called "skanking."
Yeah. I think the Ska kids appropriated thwe word "skank" as an ironic empowerment thing. The fact we go "why the hell would you call your dancing skanking" makes them elite and awesome. It's sort of like how being brutally hung over and deaf at work twice in one week made me "cool."