Paul Gray died


Mar 9, 2009
The Netherlands
Des Moines, Iowa; May 24, 2010 -- A local hotel worker found the bassist dead this morning. Paul Gray, known as #2, or "The Pig" in the self-titled years, the lively bassist from Los Angeles who relocated with family to Des Moines and joined Slipknot and has played for the entire Slipknot career up to this point. Paul had a darker side to his life, dealing with drugs and alcohol abuse. It was announced on his MySpace page this year that he was expecting a child with his wife Brenna. Life looked on the up for Paul.

While currently under investigation, preliminary reports from a source at the scene indicate a drug overdose.
Yeah I am not a big Slipknot fan but that was sad to read about. Specially cuz I remember a couple days before sayingto my littl bro after hearing bout Dio.."this stuff happens in 3's who is next..."