J-Dubya 777 said:Free lovin' has been arranged?![]()
Walter_Langkowski said:From what I've heard, free has nothing to do with it. The_Q is definitely paying...![]()
rrhoadsfan1 said:Hey babs.. You can give Paul a call...How did I get involved in the free love train...Being Headed up by ole Jaydub at that!!!!! LOL
BABS said:Hey now, stop that!!!! I was just offering to pass a message along to a fellow Symphony X person on the list. I was doing a civic duty!
As for THAT comment Dubya, you just wait man. Just for that you will get harrassment at the Granada. I'll be that piece of gum on your shoe that you just can't get rid of the whole weekend!
Sorry you got sucked into this Sean.
BABS said:Sorry you got sucked into this Sean.
J-Dubya 777 said:Perhaps a phonecall to the authorities notifying them of a hashish smuggler flying in from your area the day you head to Atlanta will buy me some time, and make Ivan look like a cakewalk for ya! Hehehehehehehe![]()
J-Dubya 777 said:I'm not even going to take the obvious, easy shot at this one........
BABS said:You pull that crap and I'll have to get obsessive-compulsive on your doorbell at the Granada!
BABS said:I'm sure it's KILLING you too Dub. Almost like being made to sit in a corner huh?
The_Q said:Come on J-Dubya we're all adults here. Man, this post is getting alot of views. Me thinks J-Dubya should have an autograph session, whattya say Glenn?
J-Dubya 777 said:I'll make sure to leave a stack of phone books outside the door so you can reach that high!![]()