Paul reed smith goes heavy

I was watching some videos on youtube the other day of a dude who put EMG's in his PRS and everybody was giving him shit about it. I don't get why, tho. It's still a good guitar with good pickups.

BTW, I LOVE the look of those toreros, but I don't like floyds.
Because people on youtube are retarded, of course :D

They really are the most retarded of the retarded.

Some of the comments that get left on my videos are just ridiculous.

Nub: "Hi how much does dual recto cost please?"
Me: "Use is highly likely you don't live in the same country as me so mt information would be useless.
Same person about 4 months later: "hi plz tell me how much dual recto costs".

People telling me I don't know what I'm talking about because I boost my recto and also telling me I don't know what I'm on about because I don't like BBE sonic maximizers.

/end rant.

EMGs in a PRS just seems like spicing up something that is already awesome to me. :loco: People must think that because EMGs aren't boutique, you can't put them in nice expensive guitars, and seem to ignore the fact that they've been the standard heavy metal pickup for 'x' amount of years simply because they are awesome.

Some of those guitars look sweet...
EMGs in a PRS just seems like spicing up something that is already awesome to me. :loco: People must think that because EMGs aren't boutique, you can't put them in nice expensive guitars, and seem to ignore the fact that they've been the standard heavy metal pickup for 'x' amount of years simply because they are awesome.

Nah I don't think that's their mindset at all. EMG's tend to have a distinct sound and their high output and distinct sound often doesn't flatter (and almost completely masks) a boutique guitar with tonal wood characteristics of its own. In other words people believe that a horribly built guitar can be saved by simply slapping EMG's on it and therefore believe it to be a cardinal sin to slap EMG's on a boutique guitar built with it's wood tonal qualities in mind. At least that seems to be the mostly accepted urban legend so to speak.

I haven't owned enough guitars to make that assumption but I think it's hard to ignore the EMG sound in most EMG equipped guitars.
I've always loved the sound of EMGs in a PRS. A good friend of mine has an American PRS set up this way.

This guitar looks amazing, especially with that heel joint. Very tempted to get this as my next axe even...
Yeah, I heard all the time that EMGs don´t point out the characteristics of the guitar as much as other pickups. But I recently changed the pickups of my new Agile Baritone to EMGs (from the stock pickups) and the difference is really... not THAT big. Of course the EMGs are a little tighter and trebly, but it´s still the sound of my guitar. Maybe it´s because the stock pickups sounded very close to the EMGs anyways, but I don´t think so.

I don´t find my guitars natural sound "masked" in any way.
I disagree, I feel EMG mask the tone of the guitar being used. It seems to paint them all with the same brush. Mahogany bodies all end up sounding the same, alder and etc. The ondividual guitar just becomes sterile IMO.
Why would it be *sooooo* different that a PRS having EMG's is such a detriment, but a Gibson Les Paul with EMG's...which is so commonly seen just fine??? It's all personal taste, fuck what people on youtube say.