Paul Stanley is embarrassing himself on stage...


Jul 16, 2002
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Time to retire, or at least stop singing... Hope it was just a bad night for him... Too bad cause musically, it's fine.

I Was Made For Loving You

Creatures Of The Night

Lick It Up
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It could be a bad night, if the commenter on the Lick It Up video is providing accurate info:

"Admittedly Paul's voice is off (honestly, too much traveling, heavy touring) as I've seen them a few times just last year and overall he was great."
It's not at all surprising most singers can't maintain their voices into the twilight of their career. Paul is 63. From other videos people have posted, it doesn't seem like this is an off night.
Yeah, it's an off night that's been going on for at least a decade. Paul has so many forks stuck in him he looks like sputnik. He is done. Over. Finito. I have seen bunches of clips from various shows and he thoroughly sucks the suck out of suck now. Time for them to initiate plan B, bring in a bunch of nameless 20 year olds to assume the "roles" and get the show back to full speed. Or they could just end it for good. But Gene $immon$ would not have that. Not while there is one more dollar to be had.
Same vocal coach as DLR? Worse than him, in some spots.....blech! Glad I saw a couple of the farewell tours with the original members.... even though Ace almost toppled over a few times during each show....
I watched as much as I could stand of the first one last night. That was amazingly bad. Paul needs to stick to minor league football, or whatever other hobbies he has and stay hang it up.
It could be a bad night, if the commenter on the Lick It Up video is providing accurate info:

"Admittedly Paul's voice is off (honestly, too much traveling, heavy touring) as I've seen them a few times just last year and overall he was great."
He's been bad ever since after his solo tour a few years back.
I haven't seen him live in 10+ years, so I couldn't say either way. I was just passing on the words of someone else who claimed to see him multiple times last year. I'm always hesitant of the "bad vocals" posts because they're invariably the absolute worst example of something that happens in a range in a given timeframe.

I was thinking of this thread last night when I saw Air Supply (maybe I shouldn't admit that here). Wow, Russell Hitchcock's voice sounds just as good at 65 as it always has. 40 years of singing apparently hasn't negatively affected him and they're still playing 150 shows a year.
Paul Stanley has been embarrassing himself on stage since 1973...where were you? When Kiss started touring, the only thing you went to the show for was to get high and watch all the pyrotechnics. If you wanted to hear the Kiss songs done right, you watched the cover bands that had:
1: Real musical talent...
2: Real musical training...two things that nobody in the band possessed (except for Ace, when he wasn't drunk out of his mind on stage).

There was a cover band called Black Diamond in the late 70's and early 80s that came through Western NY (Buffalo and parts south) quite often...and they sounded so much better than Kiss, it made you wonder if bad Karma truly existed...because Black Diamond should have been the ones playing arenas.
Paul Stanley has been embarrassing himself on stage since 1973...where were you? When Kiss started touring, the only thing you went to the show for was to get high and watch all the pyrotechnics. If you wanted to hear the Kiss songs done right, you watched the cover bands that had:
1: Real musical talent...
2: Real musical training...two things that nobody in the band possessed (except for Ace, when he wasn't drunk out of his mind on stage).

There was a cover band called Black Diamond in the late 70's and early 80s that came through Western NY (Buffalo and parts south) quite often...and they sounded so much better than Kiss, it made you wonder if bad Karma truly existed...because Black Diamond should have been the ones playing arenas.

We get it, you're not a fan, but to say a cover band was better than the real thing? :roll eyes:

KISS was never about playing perfectly, but Paul had an extremely strong voice especially in the 80's-early 90's