Pavarotti Defeated by Cancer

good night, sweet prince


Rofl did you wiki'd his DOB or just minus 72 from it?
And yes, even though he was never going to create music ever again, it will still affect the opera industry and perhaps metal with classical elements.
i once sang live with him. must be 6 or 7 years ago. man he was an arrogant faggot. ^^
Aw, this is so sad. When I heard this I was shocked. I knew he was ill but bloody hell.
If you ever get a chance to hear his early stuff from the 60s and 70s do so. He hd an amazing voice, a voice of gold.
The first record I ever bought was 'Lucia di Lammemoor' with him and Joan Sutherland and that was a brilliant record , they were both on top form.

R.I.P Luciano