Pc Game Whore Thread!


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Well just installed Doom 3 (which I got for 19 Euro!) These next months are going to be hard on my skin! Doom3 tomorrow(playing until my face gets that nice computer screen tan) then on Friday I am buying Star Wars-Battlefield(which is going to rock!!!). November 4:th it is Halo2 ltd. ed.(x-box) then somewhere in there Half Life 2!

Are there cases of PC gaming to death? Well I am about to find out!!! :lol: So anyone else experiencing PC gaming euphoria like myself?
Doom 3 sucked.........


That was the best part in the whole game.
persephone28 said:
^what is your character on FFXI? and where r u partying/soloing?
Mine is Persephonex..I'm a rdm21/whm23 ..currently in Qufim.
Let's see if I can remember all of this from the top of my head:

I've had the game since October of last year but I took like a five month break:

My character name is Gogeta on the Shiva server. My LS is Extreme, hometown is Bastok, Rank 5. My job levels are:

45 Monk, 25 Thief, 22 Ninja, 11 Warrior, 10 Samurai, 8 White Mage, 6 Black Mage, 5 Summoner. I have done the Bard and Beastmaster quests too, but haven't leveled them at all. I have done AF1 for my Monk and some RSE, but I just throw RSE at the AH. Lately I've been PTing in CNest killing Rumblers, but it's almost time to leave that shithole for somewhere better. I would like to start PTing in Altepa...
^DAAYUUMM!!!! You certainly have played alot! :lol:
I just started playing about 2 months ago...and I am sooo hooked! I play at night after work until about 6-7am. Now with the expansion pack, I havent been able to get anything else done in my free time ! :D