PC has no firewire - and now?

You what?? Did you just say your only monitoring/mixing environment are Ipod Headphones? If that Is the case, abort! Buy at the very least some good headphones or cheap monitors before upgrading interface. Unless of course you have the money for all of it

No :D, i wrote that because I thought the DSP feature is only meant for headphones. The only headphones I own are the ones from my ipod and a shitty headset. But I also do own the Adam A3x, which are perfectly fine for my small room....
Maybe I'll buy the Adam Sub8 additional to my A3X, but that's a different point.
No :D, i wrote that because I thought the DSP feature is only meant for headphones. The only headphones I own are the ones from my ipod and a shitty headset. But I also do own the Adam A3x, which are perfectly fine for my small room....
Maybe I'll buy the Adam Sub8 additional to my A3X, but that's a different point.

Ah ok got it, you scared me there haha
I have a Toneport GX1 and also a Focusrite Sapphire 6 - The Focusrite wins hands down - I love mine and I actually own 4 interfaces - the Sapphire 6 is a GREAT INTERFACE