pc, i/o, mic questions HELP

im pretty set on either the digimax fs or lt... does anyone know if there is a difference in quality or is it just cosmetically? im using a firestudio.

also, i need to buy a new pc strictly for audio recording no net or games

does anyone know where or whom i could get advice or a quote from for buying my new pc.

so far im looking for

-350g hd
-4gigs ram
-dual vga

i just need it to be able to handle nuendo 3- the lag makes me sick :cry:

honestly, is $1500 too low to aim... and im talking about a pc that will last me a LONG time

is there a way to take out my old harddrive from my old pc and put it in the new as a second harddrive so not to transfer everything?

okay, now-

audix dp7a, two audix scx-25s, three sm57s, beta52, e609

am i in the ballpark with good microphones? my d6 isnt so great on my kick am i doing something wrong here?

just bought supersonic drum samples

for metal to posthardcore drums? its what all my clients seem to be...

yay or nay?

would steven slate drums be a good investment?

i need help from someone superior thats willing to help me out

im confident im aiming the right direction with my situation, just need some reassurance or a kick in the teeth


spend HOURS AND HOURS on newegg.com and put together computer parts and see how low you can go with prices.
i like the performance charts at tomshardware.com

i haven't been able to buy any computer shit in like 3 years, but i still build computers online. kinda like nerdy ass window shopping?

what's wrong with using your firestudio?
they just released the new driver where you can daisychain them, so that's pretty sweet.
i'm using a firestudio project and eventually would like to get one or two more to get some more channels. this thing has been working 24/7 since i got it. i only have this one computer for everything so it plays my music all day with no problems.

the d6 should be fine.
my best results have been on drums with a front head and having the mic placed just in the front head's hole.